Introduction: The Varieties of the Left Experience
Chapter 1: Religion of Modernity: How an English Textile Baron and a French Aristocrat Jump Started the Socialist Creed
Chapter 2: “Sabbath of History”: Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, and Moses Hess Make Socialism “Scientific”
Chapter 3: Great Schism: Social Democracy, Radical Cosmopolitans, and War Socialism (1870s-1920s)
Chapter 4: Prophecy of the World Revolution and Nationalist Temptations, 1917-1930s
Chapter 5: National Bolshevism: Stalin’s Soviet Union (1929-1953)
Chapter 6: True Believers, Fellow Travelers, and Dissenters (1920s-1940s)
Chapter 7: Creating Community: National Socialist Biopolitics in Germany, 1933-1945
Chapter 8: “Regime of Goodness”: Social Democracy and the Swedish Model, 1920s-1990s
Chapter 9: Blood and Soil in the Palestine Desert: Kibbutz Socialism, 1920s-1970s
Chapter 10: The East is Red: Communism in China, North Korea, and Cambodia
Chapter 11: African Socialism: Tanzanian “Village Socialism” and Zimbabwe Ethno-Racial State
Chapter 12: The Western Left: “Third Way” and Neoliberalism, 1970s-2010s
Chapter 13: Retreat of Socialism in the Soviet Union and China (1980s-2008)
Chapter 14: How Marxism Became Cultural: Frankfurt School, British Cultural Studies, and the New Left
Chapter 15: The Cultural Left and the “Curse” of the Western Civilization, 1960s-2010s
Conclusion: From Left Melancholia to New Militancy