Lexington Books
Pages: 183
Trim: 6⅜ x 9⅜
978-1-4985-5260-8 • Hardback • November 2017 • $111.00 • (£85.00)
978-1-4985-5261-5 • eBook • November 2017 • $105.50 • (£82.00)
Masamori Sase is professor emeritus at the National Defense Academy of Japan and visiting scholar at Takushoku University.
Robert D. Eldridge is former associate professor of Japanese political and diplomatic history at Osaka University.
Graham B. Leonard earned a PhD in international public policy from Osaka University.
Chapter 1: The Arrival of Director General Sakata
Chapter 2: Sakata’s “Study Group Considering Defense Issues”
Chapter 3: A Ploy during Diet Arguments
Chapter 4: The Change in Public Opinion on Defense
Chapter 5: The Sakata–Schlesinger Talks
Chapter 6: Schlesinger’s Dismissal and Return to Japan
Chapter 7: How SDF Personnel Were Seen
Chapter 8: The Basic Defense Force Concept: A New Defense Philosophy
Chapter 9: The Landmark Defense White Paper
Chapter 10: Innovations in Defense Policy: The “National Defense Program Guidelines” and the National Defense Council
Chapter 11: The MiG-25 Incident
Chapter 12: The Lockheed Scandal and False Accusations
Chapter 13: Watching the Intraparty Conflict
Chapter 14: Sakata Michita after His Term as Director General
Robert D. Eldridge deserves utmost thanks of those interested in Japan’s defense policy by translating Sase Masamori’s detailed biography of Japanese Defense Minister Michita Sakata. Sase Masamori’s clear explanations of Sakata’s undeterred role in creating Japan’s Basic Defense Force Concept, writing a landmark Defense White Paper, and producing the National Defense Program Guidelines as defense minister during a tumultuous period in Japanese politics are nothing short of professional and scholarly magnificence.
— James E. Auer, Vanderbilt University
Robert D. Eldridge could not have chosen a better book to translate. This is top-notch biography and excellent history. It will become required reading for anyone interested in Japan's Cold War-era security policies.
— Peter Mauch, Western Sydney University