Lexington Books
Pages: 156
Trim: 6¼ x 9⅜
978-1-4985-4957-8 • Hardback • December 2016 • $117.00 • (£90.00)
978-1-4985-4959-2 • Paperback • December 2018 • $46.99 • (£36.00)
978-1-4985-4958-5 • eBook • December 2016 • $44.50 • (£35.00)
Geoff Martin is assistant professor of political science at Mount Allison University.
Erin Steuter is professor of sociology at Mount Allison University.
1. Shifts in American War Policy
2. Government’s Role in Drone Warfare
3. Military, Markets, and Money
4. Inside the Military Machine
5. Drones for Corporate Profit and Domestic Surveillance
6. Influential Opinions: Think Tanks and Pundits
7. In the News
8. Sites of Resistance: International Law and Social Movements
This refreshing and frank exploration of the sudden rise of drones in warfare and commerce raises all the right questions, and does so with critical elan rare in public discourse. The authors do so with clarity and insight that bring alive the complex issues technologies pose. Their sensible admonition is to thoroughly debate the use of drones before they become normal—that is, before it’s too late to chart a different course.
— John Tirman, MIT
A very readable critical account of the political and economic issues surrounding drones and their impact on future warfare.
— Martin Shaw, emeritus, University of Sussex