Lexington Books
Pages: 272
Trim: 6¼ x 9½
978-1-4985-4866-3 • Hardback • October 2017 • $129.00 • (£99.00)
978-1-4985-4868-7 • Paperback • July 2020 • $47.99 • (£37.00)
978-1-4985-4867-0 • eBook • July 2020 • $45.50 • (£35.00)
Jacqueline A. Zubeck is associate professor of English at the College of Mount Saint Vincent.
Introduction - “The Word for Currency” - Jacqueline A. Zubeck
Part 1 - “Collateral Crisis”
Chapter 1 - “Collateral Crisis: Don DeLillo’s Critique of Cyber-Capital” - Matt Kavanagh
Chapter 2 - “The Currency of DeLillo’s Cosmopolis” - Mark Osteen
Part 2 - “Here and Gone”
Chapter 3 - “Here and Gone: Point Omega’s Extraordinary Rendition” - Jesse Kavadlo
Chapter 4 - “Place as Active Receptacle in Don DeLillo’s The Angel Esmeralda: Nine Stories” - Elise Martucci
Chapter 5 - “Mourning Becomes Electric: The Body Artist & Falling Man” - Jacqueline A. Zubeck
Part 3 - “Ontological Crossings”
Chapter 6 - “Love-Lies-Bleeding Self-Portrait of the Artist as a Dying Man” - Graley Herren
Chapter 7 - “‘The art, the artist, the landscape, the sky’:Ontological Crossings in Love-Lies-Bleeding” - Randy Laist
Part 4 - “Time, time, time”
Chapter 8 - “Don DeLillo, the Contemporary Novel, and the End of Secular Time” - Scott Dill
Chapter 9 - “Cinematic Time, Geologic Time, Narrative Time” - Majiek Maslowski
Part 5 - “Poetics of Survival”
Chapter 10 - “The Rough Shape of a Cross:” Chiastic Events in Don DeLillo’s “Baader-Meinhof” - Karim Daanoune
Chapter 11 - “DeLillo’s Poetics of Survival: A Case Study” - Jennifer L. Vala
This volume, which brings together established DeLillo scholars and smart newcomers, is timely in more senses than one. Its able contributors are mindful of DeLillo's career continuities (his interest in language, his prescience, his attention to both the main currents and the eddies of American culture) even as they explore the distinctive features of this author's robust post-millennial oeuvre, including novels, short stories, and drama. An indispensable collection for all who take an interest in DeLillo, in contemporary letters, and in the world as it is revealed by our fictions.
— David Cowart, University of South Carolina
As with any edited collection, some chapters are stronger than others. However, it is an important contribution to the field, which adds to the growing body of scholarship on the most recent works by an author whose career dates back to the 1960s. This volume particularly demonstrates why more attention needs to be paid to DeLillo’s formally ascetic “late stage”: as in Hemingway’s so-called “Iceberg Theory,” DeLillo’s deliberately concise sentences reveal only a fraction of the depths that lie beneath the surface.
— Orbit