Lexington Books
Pages: 160
Trim: 6¼ x 9½
978-1-4985-4854-0 • Hardback • March 2017 • $117.00 • (£90.00)
978-1-4985-4856-4 • Paperback • September 2018 • $46.99 • (£36.00)
978-1-4985-4855-7 • eBook • March 2017 • $44.50 • (£35.00)
William L. Benoit is professor of communication studies at Ohio University.
Mark J. Glantz is assistant professor of communication & media studies at St. Norbert College.
Chapter One: Persuasive Attacks in Election Campaigns
Chapter Two: The Republican Establishment Attacks Donald Trump
Chapter Three: Attacks on Trump in 2016 Republican Presidential Primary Debates and TV Spots
Chapter Four: Attacks on Trump in Social Media
Chapter Five: Attacks on Trump in Humor
Chapter Six: Attacks on Trump on 2016 TV Talk Shows
Chapter Seven: Conclusions
About the Authors
Benoit and Glantz provide a detailed and thoroughly supported analysis that both clarifies and expands persuasive attack as a theoretical framework, while providing critical insight into Donald Trump’s durability as a presidential candidate.
— Timothy L. Sellnow, University of Central Florida
This insightful and timely analysis by Benoit and Glantz demonstrates the importance of rhetorical criticism in contemporary political processes. Their exploration of the range of attacks associated with Mr. Trump expands our understanding of this genre of rhetoric and establishes new directions for inquiry. Benoit and Glantz bring an innovative, contemporary and engaging lens to their analysis.
— Matthew W. Seeger, Wayne State University
While seemingly esoteric, uncovering the nature and function of attacks writ large from a field of candidates directed at one particular candidate helps us understand presidential elections all the better. This volume reveals how a cadre of seasoned politicians attempted, unsuccessfully, to reduce voter preference for a surging yet unorthodox candidate. As the 2016 election will be studied broadly, this book provides a much-needed scholarly explanation of the first part of the season and process.
— Joseph R. Blaney, Illinois State University