Lexington Books
Pages: 180
Trim: 6⅜ x 9½
978-1-4985-4538-9 • Hardback • March 2018 • $111.00 • (£85.00)
978-1-4985-4540-2 • Paperback • September 2019 • $46.99 • (£36.00)
978-1-4985-4539-6 • eBook • March 2018 • $44.50 • (£35.00)
Belinda Bustos Flores, University of Texas at San Antonio
Lorena Claeys, University of Texas at San Antonio
Conra D. Gist, University of Arkansas
Foreword: Ana Maria Villegas
Chapter 1: Creating Spaces for Culturally Efficacious Pedagogies
Chapter 2: Contextualizing Culturally Efficacious Teacher Preparation: The Accelerated Teacher Education Program
Chapter 3: Tania’s Case Study: Out of the Shadows, Transforming Lives as a Culturally Efficacious Teacher
Chapter 4: Leo’s Case Study: Disrupting Hegemonic Discourse: Is that really gonna happen? Am I never gonna amount to anything?
Chapter 5: Catherine’s Case Study: Teaching as a Privilege—Those who can, Teach Effectively in Diverse Communities
Chapter 6: Kennu’s Case Study: Ambassador and Cultural Broker for Underrepresented Youth in Science
Chapter 7: Unpacking and Exploring Cultural Efficaciousness: Evidence Across Teacher Case Studies
Chapter 8: Towards Social Justice: Realizing and Sustaining Culturally Efficacious Pedagogies
Afterword: Final Thoughts: Reimagining Teacher Education as a Commitment to Social Justice, Ellen Riojas Clark
About the Authors
Flores, Claeys, and Gist could have simply offered a report of the fine work of their highly acclaimed Accelerated Teacher Education program. By building on, and extending research and practice in culturally relevant and sustaining pedagogies, they have done much more. The authors make a compelling case for culturally efficacious teaching, highlighting the importance of teacher critical self-understanding in relation to the children they teach and to their students’ communities. The book, and its wonderful case studies, offer an important addition to teacher education and professional development programs.
— Kimberley Gomez, University of California, Los Angeles
This book presents the journey of four teachers who exemplify what it means to be a culturally efficacious educator. Through rich descriptions of each educator’s teaching context, the message the reader takes away is that we must view students’ linguistic and cultural backgrounds as intellectual resources to advance the education of all students.
— Sylvia Celedón-Pattichis, University of New Mexico
The authors of this text offer rare insights into the perspectives, decisions, and pedagogical actions of teachers of color who are enabling and instructing students of color in effective and culturally responsive ways. In particular, the text illustrates how efficacious educators respect students’ cultures, languages, and challenges while modeling self-worth, comprehensibility, and accountability to high standards for teaching and learning. This text is timely and contributes to current conversations on the recruitment and retention of teachers of color.
— Socorro Herrera, Kansas State University