Lexington Books
Pages: 238
Trim: 6⅜ x 9¼
978-1-4985-4260-9 • Hardback • October 2016 • $109.00 • (£84.00)
978-1-4985-4262-3 • Paperback • May 2018 • $55.99 • (£43.00)
978-1-4985-4261-6 • eBook • October 2016 • $53.00 • (£41.00)
David Kennedy is professor of educational foundations at Montclair State University.
Brock Bahler is visiting assistant professor of religious studies at the University of Pittsburgh.
David Kennedy and Brock Bahler
The Child in Ancient Philosophy
1. What Is the Sound of a Child Growing Up? The Question of the Child
Thomas J. J. Storme
2. Heraclitus and the Child
Giuseppe Ferarro, translated by Stefano Oliverio and Brock Bahler
3. Childhood, Philosophy, and the Polis: Exclusion and Resistance
Walter Omar Kohan
4. Ethics is for Children: Revisiting Aristotle’s Virtue Theory
Andrew Komasinski
The Child in Continental Philosophy
5. The Parent-Child Relation and the Decentered Self: A Phenomenological Basis for an Originary Peace
Brock Bahler
6. Lyotard and the Philosopher Child
Karin Fry
7. Beyond the Developmental Machine: The Politics of Philosophy for Infancy
Tyson Lewis
Philosophy of Childhood and Education
8. Traveling Children: Thinking about Education as Displacement
Daniel Contage
9. The Re-childed Teacher: A Philosophical-Educational Perspective on the Child and Culture
Stefano Oliverio
10. Tyrannized Childhood of the Liberator-Philosopher: J. S. Mill and Poetry as Second Childhood
Joshua M. Hall
Philosophy of Childhood and the Arts
11. Negotiating the Pseudoenvironments of Childhood
Natalie M. Fletcher
12. Mourning, Melancholia, and the Maintenance of the Lost Child: Questioning Tribunella on the Uses of Trauma in Children’s Literature
James Stillwaggon
13. Childhood between Literature and Philosophy: Readings of Childhood in Manoel De Barros’s Poetry
Bernardina Leal
14. Nobody Knows—Infancy and the Experience of Being Not Unable
Nancy Vansieleghem
The Future of Philosophy of Childhood
15. The Posthuman Child: iii
Karin Murris
For too long, conceptions of childhood have been in thrall to linear, teleological, normative, developmental notions of child growth. Educational prescriptions are often built on this narrow epistemological foundation, further narrowed by disciplinary regimes focused on compliance, and curriculum regimes focused on mastery of testable factoids of information. This book with its diverse, multidisciplinary scholarship, and searching inquiry into the meaning and experiences of children, offers a powerful counter-narrative, and opens up a space for thinking of children in terms that refuse fixity and binaries, and offers up powerful metaphors for how we might assist children in coming to be and in experiencing the liberatory possibilities of expansive subjectivity and critical imagination.
— Michael O’Loughlin, Adelphi University
This insightful collection makes a significant and critical contribution to our understanding of Philosophy of Childhood. Key issues are comprehensively addressed and important questions are raised that demand consideration in determining the place of children in society.
— Claire Cassidy, University of Strathclyde
This is a timely and welcome contribution to the increasingly important and diverse field of childhood studies. The essays span a wide range of topics and perspectives and offers a radical and deep theoretical perspective that will empower practitioners and researchers in this field. Contributors include respected authorities and newer voices, who ensure that this book needs to be read by anyone who values children’s voices and lives in dialogic meaning-making.
— Darren Garside, Bath Spa University