Lexington Books
Pages: 208
Trim: 6¼ x 9¼
978-1-4985-4248-7 • Hardback • December 2017 • $111.00 • (£85.00)
978-1-4985-4249-4 • eBook • December 2017 • $105.50 • (£82.00)
Davita Silfen Glasberg is interim dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences and professor of sociology at the University of Connecticut.
Abbey S. Willis is PhD candidate in sociology at the University of Connecticut.
Deric Shannon is associate professor of sociology at Emory University’s Oxford College.
Chapter 1 Introduction: Power and the State
Chapter 2 Breaking the Theoretical Stalemate: State Projects and a Multi-Site Model of Power and the State
Chapter 3 State Projects and Economic Intervention: Balancing Political Forces
Chapter 4 State Projects and Heteronormativity: Framing and Selectivity Filters
Chapter 5 State Projects and Social Movements: Racial Formation and the State
Chapter 6 State Projects and The Human Right to Shelter: Balancing Political Forces and Intersecting Structures of Oppression
Chapter 7 State Projects and The Human Right to Food: Direct Action and Balancing Political Forces
Chapter 8 Intersections of State Projects, Multi-Sites of Power and The Welfare State
Chapter 9 Where Do We Go From Here? Implications and Steps Forward
About the Author
The State of State Theory brings together feminist, critical race, and queer theories with globalization literature and anarchist anti-state analysis to advance critical, transformative understanding of the state and society. The authors skillfully take us through a history of state theorising before outlining a novel approach that recognizes the complexities of power while also providing a set of sharp, analytical tools. Using these to present a hard-hitting, persuasive critique of contemporary politics, they expose the injustices and oppressions of the state and shows us how social movements are able to resist and challenge the power relationships and policies that states support, internally and globally. Refusing to make predictions about the future, they set out where social activism might take us. With admirable clarity, they show us how powerful states are but also reminds us of their historical contingency and vulnerability.
— Ruth Kinna, Loughborough University
This wide-ranging and important study severely critiques pluralism, among other approaches, considered as a theoretical perspective on the state but it rigorously defends pluralism as an ontological and epistemological perspective on the state and state projects. It proposes a multi-site analysis of state structures and their strategic selectivities. The authors explore how state projects emerge from a shifting balance of political forces and how their pursuit is both path-dependent and path-shaping. This highly accessible text offers many illuminating and eminently teachable examples of the proposed approach at the same time as outlining a sophisticated agenda for future research.
— Bob Jessop, Lancaster University
Finally a true synthesis of advanced state theory and intersectional critiques of domination. Conceptually astute, empirically grounded, and remarkably lucid, this book deserves to occupy the attention of both scholars and activists for years to come.
— Uri Gordon, Co-convenor, Anarchist Studies Network
The State of State Theory: State Projects, Repression, and Multi-Sites of Power makes a much needed and refreshing contribution to existing sociological theories of the state—a field within political sociology that has become somewhat stagnant and divorced from relevant politics and social movements. The authors build on Jessop’s concept of ‘state projects’ to demonstrate how more appropriately sophisticated, intersectional approaches to critical state theory can and should be employed to analyze the contemporary state. They suggest a new ‘multi-sites of power’ (MSP) approach to making sense of the state as a structure, institutional force, and political terrain. In this sense, The State of State Theory is an excellent text for the classroom, but also for advocates and organizers who would like to better understand, engage with, and/or resist state policy and practice in the context of global neo-liberal capitalism, waning Western empire, impending climate chaos, and resurgent fascisms.
— William Armaline, San José State University