Lexington Books
Pages: 232
Trim: 6¼ x 9½
978-1-4985-4118-3 • Hardback • December 2016 • $123.00 • (£95.00)
978-1-4985-4120-6 • Paperback • November 2018 • $50.99 • (£39.00)
978-1-4985-4119-0 • eBook • December 2016 • $48.00 • (£37.00)
Jenifer Parks is associate professor of history at Rocky Mountain College.
Chapter 1: Verbal Gymnastics: The Soviet Union Enters the Olympic Movement
Chapter 2: Leveling the Playing Field: Soviet Sports Administrators Abroad and International Sports Exchanges under Khrushchev, 1953–1964
Chapter 3: Getting Things Done: Soviet Bureaucrats' Expanding Role in the IOC and Moscow's Bid to Host the Games
Chapter 4: "An Exemplary Communist City”: Preparing Moscow for the 1980 Olympic Games
Chapter 5: A Job Well Done?: Welcoming the World to the 1980 Moscow Olympiad
Not only has Parks accessed unprecedented levels of material on Soviet sport post-1945, but she has used it to brilliant effect, producing a book that is simply indispensable to anyone interested in Cold War sport. . . . From start to finish, this book is filled with riveting insights, impressive research, and clearly articulated analysis. For those who have a grasp on the existing literature on the Soviet Olympic experience, or those interested in Cold War sport in general, they will no doubt be fascinated by this work. In sum, Parks has made a significant contribution to the scholarship on sports history.— The Russian Review
In this highly granular account based on Soviet-era archives, Jenifer Parks has taken us into the workings of the Soviet Union's famed State Sports Committee. In doing this, she examines the work of middle-level officials with both political leaders and their complex and extensive athletic constituencies of coaches, players, doctors, journalists, and the public. This is history neither from the top down nor the bottom up, but from the middle out.— Robert Edelman, University of California, San Diego
A welcome addition to the recent scholarship on the late Soviet period, Jenifer Parks’ book provides a thoroughly-researched account of the Soviet Sports Bureaucracy and the Olympic Games. . . . Archival research in Moscow, the United States, and Switzerland underpins this rich assessment of Soviet Olympic history. While neither the athletes nor the public reception of the Olympic Games are widely analyzed, this focused study of the middle layer of the Soviet system will find keen readers amongst those interested in Olympic history, international relations, and the late socialist period.
— Slavic Review
In tracing the potholed road from the Soviet Union’s entrance into the Olympic Movement in the early 1950s to the XXII Olympiad in Moscow in 1980, Jenifer Parks’s landmark book inserts the Olympic Movement into the historiography of the Cold War. Spotlighting the crucial role played by the Soviet Sports Committee in negotiating the clash between Olympic idealism and Cold War rivalries, she offers an intimate and confident look at how Soviet participation in the Games indelibly changed the shape of international sports and transformed the Soviet system by further integrating it into a global culture.— Donald J. Raleigh, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Jenifer Parks has extensively consulted Russian and international archives and provides in this study an excellent examination of the relevant international literature on the history of global sports, the Cold War, and Soviet power politics. She reconstructs in exacting detail just how the Soviet Sports Committee struggled for recognition with the rival power apparatuses and asserted itself over against ideological misgivings. What the networks of its leading figures achieved in the short span of a few years changed the country and its international image fundamentally. Parks creates a fascinating narrative out of the inconspicuous rise of a marginal committee and shows how sports entered the arena of high politics and statecraft, beguiling even dictators. She shows convincingly and vividly what informal relations in a bureaucratic state were able to accomplish, but a country where economic and social realities were to decide what benefits the Olympic dream ultimately generated.— Nikolaus Katzer, German Historical Institute, Moscow