Lexington Books
Pages: 216
Trim: 6¼ x 9½
978-1-4985-4030-8 • Hardback • September 2016 • $109.00 • (£84.00)
978-1-4985-4031-5 • eBook • September 2016 • $103.50 • (£80.00)
Claudia Sonino teaches modern and contemporary German literature at the University of Pavia.
Introduction: Between Worlds
From Prague to Jerusalem: Hugo Bergmann
“We can never be fully at home”: Gershom Scholem in Eretz Yisrael
Between Exile and Refuge: Gabriele Tergit in Palestine
Else Lasker-Schüler in Palestine. Land of the Hebrews or “Ugly Israel?”
Arnold Zweig Goes Home: Stranger in a Strange Land
Paul Mühsam: A German Jew Arrives in Palestine
Borne by elevated dreams, collective and personal, Central European Jewish intellectuals immigrated to the land of Israel. With the lyrical pen of a poet, Claudia Sonino evokes the inner world of six men and women whose dreams clashed with the harsh politically and socially unyielding realities they encountered.
— Paul Mendes-Flohr, University of Chicago Divinity School, professor emeritus, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
An excellent book, well-researched with a lucid, nuanced, knowledgeable vision about an important chapter in the history of German-Jewish intellectuality, Zionism, Israel, and anti-Semitism. Also potentially a quite valid comparison with the current issue of migration and its disturbing details of exile, adaptation, renewal, and identity. A fascinating narrative and an acute analytical search for meaning.
— Norman Manea, author of "The Hooligan’s Return"