Lexington Books
Pages: 314
Trim: 6½ x 9½
978-0-7391-2955-5 • Hardback • May 2016 • $136.00 • (£105.00)
978-1-4985-3902-9 • Paperback • October 2017 • $60.99 • (£47.00)
978-0-7391-2956-2 • eBook • May 2016 • $57.50 • (£44.00)
Kazuko Suzuki is assistant professor of sociology at Texas A&M University.
Introduction: Cross-National Comparison of Immigrant Adaptation
Part I: Koreans in Japan
Chapter 1: Who Are They and Why Did They Come?
Chapter 2: Managing the Multiethnic Empire
Chapter 3: Survival in State-Based Politics
Chapter 4: Perpetual Foreigners
Chapter 5: Socio-Economic Adaptation
Chapter 6: Community Formation of the Invisible Minority
Part II: Koreans in the United States: From A Comparative Perspective
Chapter 7: Beneficiaries of the Cold War
Chapter 8: Survival in a Racial Society
Chapter 9: Formation of the Enclave Community
Conclusion: Toward a Theory of Cross-National Comparison of Immigrant Adaptation
Appendix A: Statistical Data Used in This Study
Appendix B: The 1993 Zainichi Survey
Appendix C: The 1995–1996 SSC Survey
This is the first of its kind sociological study of Korean diasporas in Japan and the United States. Dr. Kazuko Suzuki convincingly argues that the timing and means of migration, context of reception, ideology of nationhood, and broader structural circumstances in the receiving society give rise to distinct patterns of adaptation and identity formation among immigrants of the same ethno-national origin. It is a welcome addition to scholarship on comparative race, ethnicity, and immigration.
— Min Zhou, Tan Lark Sye Chair Professor of Sociology at Nanyang Technological University and co-author of The Asian American Achievement Paradox
Suzuki offers an interesting study of different Korean diaspora communities, the zainichi and tainichi Korean communities in Japan and the Korean community in the United States. She brings the role and importance of the state back into the discussions of “race” and does so through a transcultural comparison that yields fruitful results. The insights offered here are well argued and thorough and contribute to the knowledge and understanding of communities with diverse backgrounds and their struggles and successes in different host countries.
— The Journal of Japanese Studies
Amassing a mélange of quantitative and qualitative data, Kazuko Suzuki has composed a cogent analysis of ethnic Koreans in Japan and in the United States. Projecting a perfect pitch between case studies and general concepts, Divided Fates is a model comparative study. It should command the attention of scholars in comparative race and ethnicity in particular and comparative social sciences in general.
— John Lie, University of California, Berkeley
This is the first of its kind sociological study of Korean diasporas in Japan and the United States. Dr. Kazuko Suzuki convincingly argues that the timing and means of migration, context of reception, ideology of nationhood, and broader structural circumstances in the receiving society give rise to distinct patterns of adaptation and identity formation among immigrants of the same ethno-national origin. It is a welcome addition to scholarship on comparative race, ethnicity, and immigration.
— Min Zhou, Tan Lark Sye Chair Professor of Sociology at Nanyang Technological University and co-author of The Asian American Achievement Paradox
An ambitious, expertly-crafted work that offers a rare comparative analysis of three diasporic populations—Zainichi, Tainichi, and American Koreans—revealing the power of the racial state and related Japanese and US structural forces to marginalize immigrants, forces which remain woefully underappreciated by Western- and single state-centered frameworks. Divided Fates is a testament to how methodological rigor and theoretical sophistication informed by multiple sites, levels, and literatures reveals the richness of history, the global order, transnationality, and political process to explain the distinct fates of a population that otherwise shares so much: their Korean origin and ethnic identity.
— Nadia Y. Kim, Loyola Marymount University
Amassing a mélange of quantitative and qualitative data, Kazuko Suzuki has composed a cogent analysis of ethnic Koreans in Japan and in the United States. Projecting a perfect pitch between case studies and general concepts, Divided Fates is a model comparative study. It should command the attention of scholars in comparative race and ethnicity in particular and comparative social sciences in general.
— John Lie, University of California, Berkeley
An ambitious, expertly-crafted work that offers a rare comparative analysis of three diasporic populations—Zainichi, Tainichi, and American Koreans—revealing the power of the racial state and related Japanese and US structural forces to marginalize immigrants, forces which remain woefully underappreciated by Western- and single state-centered frameworks. Divided Fates is a testament to how methodological rigor and theoretical sophistication informed by multiple sites, levels, and literatures reveals the richness of history, the global order, transnationality, and political process to explain the distinct fates of a population that otherwise shares so much: their Korean origin and ethnic identity.
— Nadia Y. Kim, Loyola Marymount University
• Winner, ASA Book Award on Asia/Transnational (2017)