Lexington Books
Pages: 160
Trim: 6½ x 9⅜
978-1-4985-3554-0 • Hardback • April 2017 • $117.00 • (£90.00)
978-1-4985-3556-4 • Paperback • July 2020 • $47.99 • (£37.00)
978-1-4985-3555-7 • eBook • April 2017 • $45.50 • (£35.00)
Adam W. Tyma is associate professor of critical media studies and graduate program chair in the School of Communication at the University of Nebraska Omaha.
Introduction: What, exactly, is “Beer Culture”?
Adam W. Tyma
Chapter 1
Fermenting Community: Homebrewing as Community Building
Michelle Calka
Chapter 2
Does Craft Beer Culture Have a Place for Women?: A Co-Cultural Autoethnography
Jennifer C. Dunn
Chapter 3
Falling Flat: How Nostalgia Helped Kill a Midwest Beer Brand’s Revival
Charley Reed
Chapter 4
Social Media Suds: Blogging Beer to Stay Sharp in the Classroom
Robert Andrew Dunn
Chapter 5
Tapping into Identity: Social Balance explained through Newcomers Identity and Socialization Processes in Craft Breweries
Emory S. Daniel, Jr.
Chapter 6
"What's in a name? Cultural heritage and naming praxis in Tampa Bay craft breweries."
Travis R. Bell
Conclusion: One starting point of many …
Adam W. Tyma
About the Contributors
Craft breweries are taking over the nation! In Beer Culture in Theory and Practice, editor Adam W. Tyma and a team of insightful contributors provide essential analysis that reveals just how intricately linked beer and popular culture are in America. This book is essential reading and is filled with exemplary research and exquisite writing that readers will find themselves looking at again and again. With Tyma’s book, I think we can safely conclude that there is nothing more American than beer!
— Bob Batchelor, Cultural Historian and Author
Tyma’s book opens up new ground in the study of alcohol by studying beer culture in and of itself, and also by implicitly linking it to larger cultural issues in American society. While historical, legal, and economic studies abound, this work drills down into a number of topics familiar to homebrewers and professionals alike…Positioning itself as one of the first examinations of beer culture in the United States from the perspective of the homebrewer, consumer, and connoisseur, Tyma’s work challenges and expands what we know about beer culture, but also provides an array of questions about how beer fits into Americans’ understanding of what it means to be a consumer and how alcohol fits into the American identity.
— Andrew McMichael, Western Kentucky University