Lexington Books
Pages: 260
Trim: 6¼ x 9½
978-1-4985-3545-8 • Hardback • June 2017 • $129.00 • (£99.00)
978-1-4985-3546-5 • eBook • June 2017 • $122.50 • (£95.00)
Barbara Lewandowska-Tomaszczyk isfull professor of English language and linguistics and head of the Department of Research into Language, Literature, and Translation at the State University of Applied Sciences.
Stephen M. Croucher is professor and head of the School of Communication, Journalism, and Marketing at Massey University.
Paul A. Wilson is professor in the Department of English Language and Applied Linguistics at the University of Lodz.
Chapter 1 – Introducing Approaches to Conflict
Chapter 2 – A Conflict Model of Communication Theory
John E. LaMuth
Chapter 3–Changes in conflict over time: A longitudinal examination of conflict style approaches
Stephen M. Croucher
Chapter 4 – How do emotions impact conflicts? A neuroscientific perspective
François Bogacz & Olga M. Klimecki
Chapter 5 – The Role of Shame in Conflict: A cross-cultural Perspective
Paul A. Wilson
Chapter 6 – Adolescent girls in China: Managing conflicts in gender role expectations
Kara Chan, Yu Leung Ng, Jingjie Zhang, and Zhijuan Chen
Chapter 7 – Goal vs. relationship-based negotiation: A comparative study between American, Chinese, and Polish negotiators
Michał Chmielecki and Łukasz Sułkowski
Chapter 8 – Discourse, cognition, ideology: Critical-cognitive perspectives on ideological positioning and conflict dynamics in political discourse space
Piotr Cap
Chapter 9 – Macro and micro argumentative structures in intercultural conflict: Discourse Analysis
Olga L. Antineskul and Tatiana M. Permyakova
Chapter 10 – The foreigner, our fellow human being: The discursive means used in reports published in the Polish press to ‘humanize’ immigrants
Maria Holubowicz
Chapter 11 – Intergroup conflict, WTC and CA: Minority and majority groups
Diyako Rahmani
Chapter 12 - Communicating emotions related to racial identity issues: A case study
Ewa Bogdanowska-Jakubowska
Chapter 13 - Standing alone: The long lasting consequences of Ijime and the need for diversity training”
Alberto M. Albuquerque
About the Editors and Contributors
This volume provides an innovative and complex examination of the role of emotions and other dynamics for conflict. It is a strong compilation representing diverse disciplinary and cultural perspectives and makes a significant contribution to the literature on conflict. There are also key practical applications presented making it suitable for students, scholars, and practitioners.
— John Oetzel, University of Waikato