Part I: Reclaiming the Buddha from Buddhism
Chapter 1: The Legend of the Buddha: History, Myth, and Hagiography
Chapter 2: The Hermeneutical Buddha: What He Taught, What He Thought (Maybe)
Part II: The Buddha’s Pedagogical Project: The Ennobling Praxes (aka Four Noble Truths)
Chapter 3: The First Ennobling Praxis: What is the Problem?
Chapter 4: The Second Ennobling Praxis: Getting to the Root of the Problem
Chapter 5: The Third Ennobling Praxis: Can the Problem Be Resolved?
Chapter 6: The Fourth Ennobling Praxis: Resolving the Problem
Part III: Mind on Fire: The Buddha’s Psychological Map
Chapter 7: Form: Brain Architecture and the Neuroplastic Forest of Self
Chapter 8: Perception: Categorization
Chapter 9: Feeling: Pain and Pleasure Drive Evolution’s Primary Agendas (And Give Rise to a Sense of the One Having Pleasure and Pain)
Chapter 10: Mental Fabrication and the Modular Self
Chapter 11: Consciousness: Apparently Ubiquitous, Certainly Overestimated