Lexington Books
Pages: 476
Trim: 6⅜ x 9½
978-1-4985-3159-7 • Hardback • October 2018 • $160.00 • (£123.00)
978-1-4985-3161-0 • Paperback • June 2021 • $52.99 • (£41.00)
978-1-4985-3160-3 • eBook • October 2018 • $50.00 • (£38.00)
Barbara Allen is professor of political science at Carleton College
Daniel Stevens is professor of politics at the University of Exeter
chapter 1. Communicating with Voters through Political Advertising:
Moving beyond Ad Tone to Think about the Accuracy of Ad Claims
chapter 2. Normative Political Theory, Advertising, and Political
chapter 3. “You can’t handle the truth?” Previous Research on
Political Advertising
chapter 4. Evaluating the Accuracy, Visuals, and Sound of
Advertising and Their Impacts
chapter 5. Anatomy of an Ad Campaign: What Ads Say and
When They Say It
chapter 6. The Accuracy of Claims Made in Political Advertising
chapter 7. Spectacle, Message, and Meaning in the Visuals and
Sound of Political Advertising
Barbara Allen, Daniel Stevens, and Jeffrey Berg
chapter 8. Examining the Visuals and Sound in Political Advertising
chapter 9. The Effects of Ad Accuracy on Political Knowledge
and Turnout
chapter 10. Conclusion
For almost two decades, I have been following the research of Barbara Allen and Dan Stevens on political advertising. What a treat it is to see such a compelling and important research agenda come together in a book. No one understands truth (and untruth) in political advertising—and how the electorate responds to that—better than Allen and Stevens.
— Travis N. Ridout, Washington State University
“Few topics are of more contemporary importance than misinformation. This book is a monumental contribution on the topic – looking at the dynamics and effects of inaccuracies in political advertising. The results are sobering: there is a lot of inaccuracy and it matters. The book is exhaustive and sets an agenda for future work on electoral campaigns.”
— James N. Druckman
• Winner, Richard E. Neustadt Book Prize (PSA American Politics Group , 2019)