Lexington Books
Pages: 278
Trim: 6¼ x 9¼
978-0-7391-9005-0 • Hardback • December 2015 • $128.00 • (£98.00)
978-1-4985-3027-9 • Paperback • September 2017 • $57.99 • (£45.00)
978-0-7391-9006-7 • eBook • December 2015 • $55.00 • (£42.00)
Christopher Williams is assistant professor of history, English, and philosophy at the University College of the Cayman Islands.
Chapter One: Becoming Native Caymanian
Chapter Two: The More Things Change: The Stubborn Decline of Racialism During Immediate Post-Emancipation
Chapter Three: And Then There was Light: The Shaping Conditions of a Distinct National-Cultural Caymanian Identity and its Subsequent Traditionalisms
Chapter Four: Bringing Traditionalist Ideas and Conceptions to Bear on a Cultural Caymanian Identity Beset by Material Hardship
Chapter Five: The Sustenance of Caymanian Identity in Geographical Displacement: A Case Study Approach
Chapter Six: Outgrowing the Surrogate Mother: Accounting for the Dramatic Shift in Caymanian Perceptions toward Jamaica and Jamaicans During the Federation Era
Chapter Seven: Proliferating Caymanianness: Accounting for the Factors that Lead to Division within Caymanian Nationality
Chapter Eight: Theory in Practice: Bringing the Legitimacy of Carnival and the Carnivalesque to Bear on Fractured Rhetorical Caymanian Culture
Conclusion: Why Can’t We All Just Get Along?
This book is an insightful study of identity formation, belonging, and indigeneity in the Cayman Islands, a small British dependency in the Caribbean, which has seen high levels of in-migration in recent decades. Its strength is its ‘insider’ perspective, and its presentation of testimonies from a very wide range of present-day natives and residents of these islands.
— Bridget Brereton, Emerita Professor of History, University of the West Indies, St Augustine, Trinidad & Tobago
The Cayman Islands, known primarily for tourism and financial services, have thus far attracted little scholarly attention, but, as Christopher Williams shows in this insightful study, they are an ideal case study for inquiries into the effects of globalization and multicultural identity formation. Employing methodologies drawn from history, cultural studies, and sociology, Christopher Williams's lucidly written work shows us the highly contested nature of Caymanian history, and communal and individual identity; just as importantly, he demonstrates that developments in the Caymans offer important lessons for the study of the entire Caribbean region.
— Natalie Zacek, University of Manchester
In this impressive study, Williams provides an extensive, enriching, and persuasive account of the encounters and impact of globalization on contemporary Caymanian culture and identity. The breadth of this book’s analysis, scope of enquiry, and audacity of its critique will undoubtedly reshape our understanding, and perhaps influence the direction of emerging scholarship on the Caymanian identity.
— Abou Jeng, Centre for Research, Development and Social Justice Advocacy