Lexington Books
Pages: 202
Trim: 6¼ x 9½
978-1-4985-2990-7 • Hardback • December 2017 • $111.00 • (£85.00)
978-1-4985-2991-4 • eBook • December 2017 • $105.50 • (£82.00)
Lauren Miller Griffith is assistant professor of anthropology at Texas Tech University.
Jonathan S. Marion is associate professor of anthropology at the University of Arkansas, president of the Society for Humanistic Anthropology, and a past president of the Society for Visual Anthropology.
Chapter 1: Apprenticeship Pilgrimage: Going, Learning, and Doing
Chapter 2: Local Pilgrimage: Staying Close to Home
Chapter 3: Regional Pilgrimage: Going a Bit Farther
Chapter 4: Major Pilgrimage: Traveling as Far as it Takes
Chapter 5: Opportunistic Pilgrimage: When Opportunities Arise
Chapter 6: Post Pilgrimage: The New “You”
Chapter 7: “Virtual” Pilgrimage: Doing without Travel
Apprenticeship Pilgrimage opens new ground for research, and indeed it will have a strong influence in coming studies of tourism and mobility. . . . the value of Apprenticeship Pilgrimage resides in having opened our eyes to a new form of mobility in the modern world. It obliges us to rethink the meaning of concepts like pilgrimage, community and communitas, tourism, and identity. It is a tour de force in the anthropology of tourism and mobility, and a book from which one learns that the flow of culture, objects, music, and bodies moves in innovative, refreshing, and unpredictable ways.
— Journeys: The International Journal Of Travel and Travel Writings
Apprenticeship Pilgrimage presents an exciting new theoretical roadmap for understanding travel to develop embodied expertise. Drawing on participant observation and deft analyses of interviews with capoeira practitioners, ballroom dancers, and students of martial arts who travel to gain embodied knowledge and legitimacy in their chosen activities, Griffith and Marion’s book is theoretically sophisticated, wonderfully insightful, and engagingly written. This is a volume that merits a place on the “must read” list of all students and scholars of tourism and mobility studies, expressive culture and dance.— Kathleen M. Adams, Loyola University Chicago; author of Art as Politics: Recrafting Identities, Tourism and Power in Tana Toraja, Indonesia
In Apprenticeship Pilgrimage: Developing Expertise through Travel and Training, Griffith and Marion theorize that traveling to enhance physical skill transforms the pilgrim’s sense of self and improves his or her status in a community of practice, increasing social connections and perceived expertise. The authors rely on personal experiences, and those of other capoeiristas and ballroom dancers, as well as yoga practitioners and martial artists, and richly examine existing literature in travel studies, performance studies, and anthropology. Among the book’s many strengths are the authors’ thoughtful treatment of the economic and cultural tensions of educational travel and a history of such pilgrimages, from guild-related tramping, to the Victorian “grand tour,” and to contemporary study abroad. — Ann Dils, The University of North Carolina at Charlotte