Lexington Books
Pages: 518
Trim: 6¼ x 9½
978-1-4985-2597-8 • Hardback • May 2019 • $172.00 • (£133.00)
978-1-4985-2598-5 • eBook • May 2019 • $163.00 • (£127.00)
I. M. Nick is a researcher in sociolinguistics, editor-in-chief of Names: The Journal of the American Name Society, and president of the Germanic Society for Forensic Linguistics.
List of Abbreviations
Chapter 1Names, Naming, National Security, and Personal Liberty in the USA
Chapter 2The National Socialist Policy of Onomastic Apartheid
Chapter 3National Socialist Practices for Naming the Power Elite
Chapter 4The Hunt for Sarah and Israel
Chapter 5Denazification in Name Only?
Chapter 6Names and Aliases of Male Nazi War Criminals
Chapter 7The Names and Aliases of Female Nazi War Criminals
Chapter 8Names Stories of Shoah Survivors
Chapter 9Naming Names, Recovering Identities for the Past and the Future
This book provides a unique socio-onomastic perspective on the Holocaust. The author’s impeccable scholarship and ability to craft a narrative structure that depicts the horrors of the Nazi genocide through personalized accounts of the victims as individuals is exceptional. This is the best book that I have read in the past decade.
— Frank Nuessel, University of Louisville