Lexington Books
Pages: 464
Trim: 6¼ x 9¼
978-1-4985-2511-4 • Hardback • September 2015 • $142.00 • (£109.00)
978-1-4985-2513-8 • Paperback • September 2015 • $68.99 • (£53.00)
978-1-4985-2512-1 • eBook • September 2015 • $65.50 • (£50.00)
Yonah Alexander is director of the Inter-University Center for Terrorism Studies at the Potomac Institute for Policy Studies and the Inter-University Center for Legal Studies at the International Law Institute.
Dean Alexander is professor and director of the Homeland Security Research Program at Western Illinois University
Chapter 1: Historical Context
Chapter 2: Intentions and Capabilities
Chapter 3: Membership, Structure, and Leadership
Chapter 4: Establishing a Caliphate: From a State to an Empire
Chapter 5: Foreign and Women Fighters
Chapter 6: Combating the Islamic State: National, Regional, and Global Responses
Chapter 7: Conclusions and Recommendations
Yonah Alexander and Dean Alexander’s book The Islamic State: Combating the caliphate without borders adds an interesting addition to the growing canon on the Islamic State (IS). It sets out to ‘address the current gap in realistic assessment regarding the IS threat, the risk it poses, and its broader implications at national, regional, and global levels’ and it does so by meticulously tracing the group’s tactics and strategy. In doing so, Alexander and Alexander rely heavily on data extracted from statements by government, military, and law-enforcement officials as well as newspaper sources. They compile an impressive and thorough amount of data to evaluate the current threat by the IS.... The Islamic State provides an invaluable resource for further research, thoroughly mapping both attacks by the IS as well as counteractions taken by the international community.
— Behavioral Sciences of Terrorism and Political Aggression
[T]he book can be likened to a handbook in that it provides a comprehensive reference tool of matters relating to IS and the authors have successfully simplified and contextualized complex concepts throughout their analytical overview. The vast reference lists that follow each chapter are testament to the breadth of research and knowledge that has been integrated into this piece of work, which is evident in its reading.The Islamic State: Combating the Caliphate without Borders is a valuable resource that serves to educate readers who are unfamiliar with aspects of IS or, alternatively, consolidates and builds upon the existing knowledge base of the target audience. Its contents can be useful to a wide range of people, including scholars, policymakers, law enforcement and those that have a general interest in the subject matter.
— Journal of Asian Security and International Affairs
The Islamic State: Combating the Caliphate Without Borders provides critical background information and analysis about the hybrid terror quasi-state's multifaceted activities and effects in the region and beyond.
— Western Illinois University News
The Islamic State is a thorough and authoritative account of the rise of the terrorist army
that specialists and the general public alike will find very useful.
— Peter Bergen, author of Manhunt, The Longest War and Holy War Inc.
The Islamic State provides an historical context for jihadi groups in the Middle East as well as an up-to-date analysis of the ever-changing geopolitical landscape. The Islamic State is written in an easy-to-read style, simplifying a wide range of complex topics. The Islamic State is a must read for curious readers and serves as an authoritative source for Middle Eastern scholars.
— Jack Schafer, Ret. FBI Special Agent
This book is a work of profound insight and importance in guiding policymakers and the public as they search for an effective solution. The volume is highly recommended for experts, policymakers, students, and the general public alike.
— Robert F. Turner, Center for National Security Law, University of Virginia Law School
The book is both of enormous practical value to law enforcement and an excellent theoretical introduction to the IS for those who want to learn more about this murderous movement.
— Patrick W. Murphy, former U.S. State Department official
I strongly recommend this book for its high standards of academic scholarship, its in-depth, comprehensive analysis, and its critical relevance to policy makers and world leaders currently confronting this dangerous new terrorist organization.
— Garth Neuffer, Senior Counselor, Strategic Communications
The book is an incredibly intriguing profile and analysis of ISIS. It is also a great reference that offers new insights on foreign fighters and recommendations on combating ISIS.
— Mehmet Nesip Ogun, Vice Rector, American University of Cyprus
This timely, highly analytical, and well-written book is a must read for those seeking a better understanding of the Islamic State phenomenon and its implications worldwide.
— Terry M. Mors, School of Law Enforcement and Justice Administration, Western Illinois University
This timely and crucial book should be must reading for U.S. Policymakers, students, and anyone who wishes to understand the history and analysis of the Islamic State. This book discusses the formation of the group, their intentions, their capabilities, and recommendations for defeating this serious threat to our national security.
— Wayne Zaideman, former Supervisory Special Agent of the FBI, currently a Middle Eastern Consultant