Lexington Books
Pages: 322
Trim: 6⅜ x 9½
978-1-4985-1858-1 • Hardback • May 2016 • $136.00 • (£105.00)
978-1-4985-1859-8 • eBook • May 2016 • $129.00 • (£99.00)
Joseph Cammarosano is professor emeritus of economics at Fordham University.
I .Introduction: An Overture to Keynes’ Major Economic Writings
II. Keynes and the Indian Currency System
III. The Economic Consequences of the Peace
IV. The Manchester Guardian Supplements and A Tract on Monetary Reform
V. The Economic Consequences of Mr. Churchill
VI .A Treatise on Money
VII. The Means to Prosperity and National Autarky
VIII. The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money
IX. How to Pay for the War
X. The Clearing Union Proposal and Bretton Woods
XI. The Anglo-American Loan
XII. Epilogue