Lexington Books
Pages: 334
Trim: 6¼ x 9¼
978-0-7391-8108-9 • Hardback • June 2013 • $128.00 • (£98.00)
978-1-4985-1550-4 • Paperback • March 2015 • $62.99 • (£48.00)
978-0-7391-8109-6 • eBook • June 2013 • $59.50 • (£46.00)
Edward Fort, chancellor emeritus at North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University, currently serves the institution as the Edward B. Fort Professor of Education. Dr. Fort is nationally known as a specialist in urban school administration and higher education organizational construct. His earlier administrative experiences include a second chancellorship (the University of Wisconsin Center System) and two urban school superintendencies—Sacramento, California, and Inkster, Michigan. As a former chairman of the National Association for Equal Opportunity in Higher Education Board of Directors, he is a recipient of the National Association of Student Affairs Professionals Presidential Golden Award and the State of North Carolina’s highest gubernatorial award, “The Order of the Long Leaf Pine.”
Chapter 1. For HBCUs: The Real Challenge
Edward Fort
Chapter 2. The Economics of Equality: Rhetoric vs. Reality
N. Joyce Payne
Chapter 3. Black Colleges and Universities: Their Past, Path and Leadership
Paula Young
Chapter 4. The Private HBCU in Retrospect and Prospect
Prezell Robinson
Chapter 5. The Immutable Challenges Confronting HBCUs: Roads to Greater Institutional Effectiveness
Wilma Roscoe
Vernon Clark (deceased)
Chapter 6. Getting Faculty to buy Into Your Vision
David Carter
Sandra Holley
Chapter 7. How the CEO Should Use Alumni on the Corporate TraiL
John T. Gibson, Sr.
Chapter 8. Bonding with the Alumni
James J. Gooch
Chapter 9. Preaching to the Choir: The Alumni Connection
Willis McLeod
Chapter 10. Leveraging the Federal Government Connection for HBCU Survival
The Honorable Jesse L. Jackson, Jr.
Chapter 11. The USDA/1890 Partnership: A Model of Success
William DeLauder
Chapter 12. Thriving in the New Millennium: HBCUs and Their Technology
Vincent T. Snipes
Joy Thomas
Chapter 13. Shared Governance: What is it?
Cyrena N. Pondrom
Chapter 14. Knowing Foundations: How to Work Their Turf
Tyrone Baines
John Seita
Marvin McKinney
Chapter 15. Institutional Building & Consortial Relationships: Promoting Blacks in Science and Engineering
Mr. Harold Wilson (deceased)
Chapter 16. Financial Accountability and Leadership in the HBCUs
Marie McDemmond
Chapter 17. The HBCU: Looking From the Inside Out
James E. Lyons, Sr.
Chapter 18. The Marginalization of Diversity on HBCU Campuses
Will Tabor
Chapter 19. The Difference is Leadership
Edward Fort
Chapter 20. Contemporary HBCUs: Considering Institutional Capacity and State Priorities
James T. Minor
Chapter 21. On-Campus Diversity and Its Challenges
Edward Fort
Chapter 22. Conclusion
Edward Fort
Anyone interested in the acute challenges confronting Historically Black Colleges and
Universities (HBCUs) and in making a lasting difference in the larger society where their graduates will serve should read this important book and take its lessons to heart. With a wonderful mix of theory and practice, this volume is for professionals and for anyone interested in the crucial questions related to educational leadership in institutions of higher education, especially HBCUs. Edited by a preeminent American educator, this volume draws from outstanding contributors whose expertise provides an understanding of the broad spectrum of challenges faced by HBCUs. From his own background as a former urban superintendent of schools in Michigan and California, and as former Chancellor of North Carolina A&T State University, one of the nation’s largest HBCUs, Dr. Edward Fort speaks authoritatively about an important mission for HBCUs—the preparation of effective teachers and school administrators. Dr. Fort asserts that HBCU campuses have within their power the position, prestige, and ability to lead an attack on two of the greatest challenges he identifies confronting Black youth today—the twin challenges of the Black and White K-12 student achievement gap and the ‘cult of cultural deprivation.’ The sine qua non is leadership.
In this book, Fort’s prestigious colleagues, including former chancellors, vice chancellors, and a retired congressman, offer suggestions for marshaling resources from government foundations and the corporate sector. They speak to the critical importance of alumni as another vital resource for HBCUs. They provide historical as well as contemporary perspectives on leadership. They spell out the importance of cultivating positive faculty relations. And, the contributors stress the importance of some of the greatest challenges confronting these campuses—for example, economic inequality and fiscal affairs management.
As a graduate of North Carolina A&T State University, I am particularly proud that one of its former chancellors has presented this marvelous description of the leadership challenges and opportunities for Historically Black Colleges and Universities, which should become a standard textbook in higher education for years to come.
— Rex Fortune, founder, Fortune School of Education and Retired School Superintendent, California