Lexington Books
Pages: 228
Trim: 6¼ x 9½
978-1-4985-1486-6 • Hardback • January 2016 • $115.00 • (£88.00)
978-1-4985-1487-3 • eBook • January 2016 • $109.00 • (£84.00)
Alexandra Kurmann researches and lectures in French and Francophone studies at Macquarie University, Sydney.
AcknowledgmentsIntroduction: The Weaving of an Intertextual WebIntertextual WeavingAppropriation and SubstitutionTransformative ImitationIncorporationChapter 1: Tissé avec une patience de PénélopeExilic IntersectionsErsatz Homes in Language and LiteratureLiterary BelongingChapter 2: Appropriating the PrecursorAnother Ingeborg BachmannIngeborg Bachmann, an Inferno of EnigmasJ’écris sur la nature du feuAn Antigonean BachmannIncorruptible DesireThe Entombed Voice of Female ResistanceChapter 3: Malina as Textual GenesisPhantom Literary OriginsLe registre du mytheLe registre du rêveChapter 4: Dead LettersFugitive LettersWriting Back to BachmannChapter 5: Incorporating the Ideal ReaderSplit SelvesThe Third SiteAntigone’s DoublesConclusion: La tâche de l’écrivainBibliography- Primary Literature
- Works by Ingeborg Bachman
- English Translations
- French Translations
- Works by Linda Lê
- English Translations
- Vietnamese Translations
- Secondary Literature
Intertextuality is particularly integral to Linda Leˆ’s oeuvre, and more studies exploring in detail the multidirectional web of influences operating in Leˆ’s writing are long overdue.... [W]ell researched, intelligent, and at times elegant, this book enriches our understanding of these important writers, and takes Leˆ studies beyond familiar themes of exile, loss, and postcolonialism to a timely recognition of her implicit feminist ethics.
— French Studies
Scholars have recognized the vast intertextual network that subtends Linda Lê’s fiction, but Kurmann is the first to give it the sustained attention it deserves. Engaging and deeply researched, her book is a welcome addition to a growing body of criticism that sees Lê’s work as mediating between postcolonial and modernist literatures, allowing for fruitful reinterpretations of both.
— Leslie Barnes, The Austrailian National University
Intertextual Weaving in the Work of Linda Lê is a remarkable analysis of the literary writing of Linda Lê in its sustained construction of intertextual relations with other thinkers, artists, poets, and writers including those established with the Austrian poet, Ingeborg Bachman. Kurmann’s book will mark an enduring contribution to the ways in which Lê is viewed, understood and analyzed by scholars and taught in our classrooms as well as to French studies, more generally. Her exemplary scholarship, careful attention to textual detail, and insightful, often brilliant close readings will provide a model for those who are certain to follow in the fertile path she here opens.
— Jane Bradley Winston, Northwestern University