Lexington Books
Pages: 268
Trim: 6½ x 9½
978-1-4985-1026-4 • Hardback • April 2016 • $123.00 • (£95.00)
978-1-4985-1028-8 • Paperback • September 2017 • $57.99 • (£45.00)
978-1-4985-1027-1 • eBook • April 2016 • $55.00 • (£42.00)
Dale Spencer is assistant professor in the Department of Law and Legal Studies at Carleton University.
Sandra Walklate is Eleanor Rathbone Chair of Sociology at the University of Liverpool and professor of Criminology at Monash University.
Introduction: Themes and Issues in Critical Victimology, Dale C. Spencer & Sandra Walklate
Part One: Thinking Critically about Victimhood
Chapter One: Sovereign Bodies, Minds and Victim Culture, Ronnie Lippens
Chapter Two: Still Worlds Apart? Habitus, Field, and Masculinities in Victim and Police Interactions, Dale C. Spencer & Jillian Patterson
Chapter Three: Boys to Offenders: Damaging Masculinity and Traumatic Victimization, Rebecca S. Katz & Hannah M. Willis
Chapter Four: The Parent as Paradoxical Victim: Adolescent to Parent Violence and Contested Victimization, Rachel Condry
Chapter Five: Victims of Hate: Thinking Beyond the Tick-Box, Neil Chakraborti
Part Two: Victims and Victim Services in Comparative Perspective
Chapter Six: Punishment or Solidarity: Comparing the U.S. and Swedish Victim Movements, Carina Gallo & Robert Elias
Chapter Seven: Restorative Justice as a Boundary Object: Some Critical Reflections on the Rise and Influence of Restorative Justice in England and Wales, David Miers
Chapter Eight: Victimhood and Transitional Justice, Kieran McEvoy & Kirsten McConnachie
Part Three: Bringing the State Back In
Chapter Nine: A Change for the better or Same Old Story? Women, the State and Miscarriages of Justice, Annette Ballinger
Chapter Ten: Hierarchical Victims of Terrorism and War, Ross McGarry
Chapter Eleven: Bereaved Family Activism in Contexts of Organized Mass Violence, Jon Shute
Conclusion: Critical Victimology beyond the Academe: Engaging Publics and Policy, Sandra Walklate & Dale C. Spencer
This edited collection provides an important and valuable contribution to our understanding of the cultural politics of ‘victimhood’ and our responses to victimization. Victim suffering is explored across a diverse array of political, social, economic and cultural contexts using a range of theoretical and empirical tools that bring us new concepts to work with and guide future research. In doing so, this book puts forward a policy agenda that challenges narrow positivist frames and promotes a critical approach with significant implications for practice and justice.
— Tracey Booth, University of Technology Sydney
This edited volume expands the existing critique of the blind spots and limitations of positivist approaches to studying victimization by challenging taken-for-granted assumptions, presenting alternative paradigms, exploring new models, and proposing innovative policies. In order to familiarize readers with the breadth and depth of a critical perspective within victimology, the authors of each chapter analyze plenty of concrete examples: actual cases that unfolded during various historical periods in a number of countries; as well as the actions and reactions of government agencies, political and social movements, and economic forces to the people and groups who suffered physically, emotionally, and financially.
— Andrew Karmen, John Jay College of Criminal Justice