Lexington Books
Pages: 448
Trim: 6⅜ x 9¼
978-1-4985-0674-8 • Hardback • July 2015 • $155.00 • (£119.00)
978-1-4985-0675-5 • eBook • July 2015 • $147.00 • (£113.00)
Bruce M. Bagley is professor of international studies at the University of Miami.
Magdalena Defort is a scholar and researcher of international studies at the University of Miami.
Chapter 1: A Guide to ALBA: What is the Bolivarian Alternative to the Americas and What Does It Do? Joel D. Hirst and Chistopher Sabatini
Chapter 2: New Philosophy and Socialism of the 21st Century John W. Murphy
Chapter 3: Chávez and ALBA David Adams and Phil Gunson
Chapter 4: Political And Ideological Aspects Of The Alianza Bolivariana Para Los Pueblos De Nuestra América - Tratado De Comercio De Los Pueblos (ALBA - TCP): Viability and Sustainability?
Chapter 5: ALBA: Ideology overcomes integration? Josette Altmann Borbón
Chapter 6: Neo-Bolivarian Challenges: Cuba and Venezuela and Their Foreign Policies Magdalena Defort
Chapter 7: Morales’ Bolivia and ALBA Marten W. Brienen
Chapter 8: ALBA and Petro-Caribe: Successes and a Paradoxical Failure of Venezuelan Soft Power in the Caribbean Anthony P. Maingot
Chapter 9: ALBA and Central America: Nicaraguan Integration and Sub-Regional Mistrust Cristina Eguizábal
Chapter 10: The Post- Washington Consensus Regional Integration in South America Convergence and Divergence in ALBA and UNASUR: A Comparative Perspective Khatchik DerGhougassian
Chapter 11: Military Geometry of ALBA: Venezuela’s Armed Forces, Terrorism, and Revolutionary Islam Magdalena Defort
Chapter 12: UNASUR: Constructing the South American Identity Marcela Ganem
Chapter 13: The South American Defense Council vis a vis ALBA: Dilemmas and Contradictions of the New Security Diplomacy Raúl Benítez Manaut and Rut Diamint
Chapter 14: ALBA and Economic Regionalization in Latin America Roberto Domínguez
Chapter 15: ALBA-TCP: A Viable and Sustainable Alternative? Marcela Anzola-Gil
Chapter 16: The Bolivarian Alliance and the United States of America – Incompatible Ideas Joel D. Hirst
Chapter 17: Russia and ALBA: A Marriage of Convenience Vladimir Rouvinski
Chapter 18: Europe and the New Latin America. Spanish Perception of New Trends in South American Security and Integration: Focus on ALBA Joaquín Roy
Chapter 19: Chinese Engagement with the ALBA Countries: A Relationship of Mutual Convenience? R. Evan Ellis