Lexington Books
Pages: 332
Trim: 6½ x 9¼
978-1-4985-0435-5 • Hardback • March 2015 • $149.00 • (£115.00)
978-1-4985-0437-9 • Paperback • April 2019 • $53.99 • (£42.00)
978-1-4985-0436-2 • eBook • March 2015 • $51.00 • (£39.00)
David Schwarzer is associate professor in the Department of Secondary and Special Education in the College of Education and Human Services at Montclair State University.
Beatrice L. Bridglall is faculty affiliate at New York University-East China Normal University Institute for Social Development at NYU Shanghai.
Introduction: Internationalizing Teacher Education: Successes and Challenges within Domestic and International Contexts
David Schwarzer and Beatrice L. Bridglall
Part I: Study Abroad
Chapter 1: International Student Teaching in Non-Western Cultures: A Journey of Personal and Professional Transformation on the Road to Becoming a Globally-Minded Teacher
Leigh Martin
Chapter 2: Over There: Exploring a WWII Themed Short-Duration Study Abroad Program for Pre-Service Teachers
David M. Moss and Alan S. Marcus
Chapter 3: Culture and Class: Latina Pre-service Teachers in Costa Rica
Mary Petrón and Burcu Ates
Chapter 4: International Teaching: Bringing Home Global Perspectives
Sarah Thomas
Chapter 5: Implementing and Sustaining Long-Term Partnerships for International Student Teaching Placements
Eleanor Vernon Wilson
Part II: Technology
Chapter 6: Promoting Global and Comparative Understandings of Education: My Year-long Journey
Alexandra Brown
Chapter 7: Participating in a Technology Enhanced Internationalization Project to Promote Students’ Foreign Language Motivation
Tina Waldman and Efrat Harel
Chapter 8: Using Technology to Facilitate Collaboration between New Jersey and Namibian Teacher Education Students
Hilary Wilder and Perien Joniell Boer
Chapter 9: Our 12-year Journey Internationalizing In-service Science Education
Jacalyn Giacalone Willis, Katrina Macht, and Marya Burke
Part III: Glocal
Chapter 10: Comparative Reflections: Glocal Experiences in European Teacher Education
Francesca Caena
Chapter 11: Teaching International Struggles for Critical Democratic Education
Wangari Gichiru and Matthew Knoester
Chapter 12: Exploring the “Glocal” in Teacher Education: A Journey in Un-packing One Course
Alison Price-Rom
Chapter 13: Positionality and Glocal Encounters in Social Studies Teacher Education
Steven Camicia and Marialuisa Di Stefano
David Schwarzer and Beatrice L. Bridglall
David Schwarzer and Beatrice L. Bridglall’s Promoting Global Competence and Social Justice in Teacher Education: Successes and Challenges within Local and International Contexts provides insights and ideas on how to globalize teacher education through experiential learning in a variety of contexts and resources. Nowhere else have I seen so many diverse strategies and points of view on global education pedagogy and experiential learning. This book is essential reading for teacher educators who are seeking to provide the experiences and knowledge needed to prepare preservice and inservice teachers for our increasingly complex and interdependent world.
— Merry Merryfield, Ohio State University
David Schwarzer and Beatrice Bridglall have compiled a rich collection of insightful contributions that demonstrate both the benefits of, and practical strategies for, internationalization of teacher education. Many American teachers graduate from education departments with surprisingly little knowledge of America’s role in the world. This book describes several pioneering programs that help to alleviate this problem through innovative approaches to transformative, experiential learning. In these times when the power of unrestrained corporations, militarism, and mass surveillance threaten democracy and human rights, there is a pressing need for such a book that inspires an empathetic, global perspective among teacher educators.
— David G. Hebert
This volume provides an interesting and informative collection of efforts by U.S. teacher educators to educate teachers to be globally competent in ways where their teaching will support the reduction of the oppression and inequities that exist in the U.S. and throughout the world. The lack of internationalization in U.S. teacher education programs is a major problem. This volume makes an important contribution to helping us see how we can begin to address it.
— Ken Zeichner, Boeing Professor of Teacher Education, University of Washington