In the gripping tale "Love of Life," told as only Jack London could tell it, a starving prospector fights for life in the rugged Yukon; in "Typhoon," Joseph Conrad takes us out to sea where a lonely ship braves a brutal, massive storm; and in "Captured by the Blackfeet," Vardis Fisher tells the chilling tale of a mountain trapper who must escape his captors—or face certain death. These are just some of the spellbinding moments found in this collection of classic adventure tales. From Chuck Yeager breaking the sound barrier to Thor Heyerdahl crossing the Pacific by raft, every story in this collection will keep you on the edge of your seat. With contributions from Joel P. Kramer, Vardis Fisher, Arthur Conan Doyle, Tom Wolfe, Arthur C. Clarke, Apsley Cherry-Garrard, John Wesley Powell, Thor Heyerdahl, Jack Schaefer, Jon Krakauer, Jack London, Antoine de Saint-Exupery, Thomas Hornbein, Sir Francis Chichester, Francis Parkman, Joseph Conrad, and Theodore Roosevelt, this anthology is filled with your favorite writers and some lesser-known gems—a perfect gift for any lover of exciting tales.