Part I: Culture
Introduction and Discussion Questions
Selection 1: Horace Miner, "Body Ritual Among the Nacirema"
Selection 2: Philip Bourgois, "Crack in Spanish Harlem: Culture and Economy in the Inner City"
Selection 3: Carolyn Fluehr-Lobban, "Cultural Relativism and Universal Human Rights"
Part II: Fieldwork and Ethnography
Introduction and Discussion Questions
Selection 4: Richard Lee, "Eating Christmas in the Kalahari"
Selection 5: Juliana Flinn, "Reflections of a Shy Ethnographer: Foot-in-the-Mouth Is Not Fatal"
Selection 6: Luke Eric Lassiter, "Doing Collaborative Ethnography"
Selection 7: Michelle Anderson, Anne Kraemer, and Ashley Moore, "Getting a Living"
Part III: Language, Communication, and Expressive Culture
Introduction and Discussion Questions
Selection 8: Michael Agar, "The Circle"
Selection 9: Deborah Tannen, "Fighting for Our Lives"
Selection 10: Enid Schildkrout, "Body Art as Visual Language"
Part IV: Socio-Economic and Political Systems in a Changing World
Introduction and Discussion Questions
Selection 11: Ralph Linton, "One Hundred Per Cent American"
Selection 12: Richard Kurin, "The Silk Road: The Making of a Global Cultural Economy"
Selection 13: Conrad Kottak, "The Globalization of a Brazilian Fishing Community"
Selection 14: Billy Evans Horse and Luke Eric Lassiter, "A Tribal Chair's Perspective on Inherent Sovereignty"
Part V: Race and Ethnicity
Introduction and Discussion Questions
Selection 15: Jonathan M. Marks, "Scientific and Folk Ideas about Heredity"
Selection 16: Melissa Schrift, "Melungeons and the Politics of Heritage"
Selection 17: Amitai Etzioni, "Inventing Hispanics: A Diverse Minority Resists Being Labeled"
Part VI: Gender and Sexuality
Introduction and Discussion Questions
Selection 18: Deborah Tannen, "Different Words, Different Worlds"
Selection 19: John M. Coggeshall, "'Ladies Behind Bars': A Liminal Gender as Cultural Mirror"
Selection 20: Antonia Young, "The Sworn Virgins of Albania"
Selection 21: Serena Nanda, "Hijra and Sadhin: Neither Man nor Woman in India"
Part VII: Marriage, Family, and Kinship
Introduction and Discussion Questions
Selection 22: Robert and Helen Lynd, "Child-Rearing"
Selection 23: Linda Stone, "Gay Marriage and Anthropology"
Selection 24: Melvyn C. Goldstein, "When Brothers Share a Wife"
Selection 25: Jonathan Marks, "Caveat Emptor?"
Part VIII: Belief Systems
Introduction and Discussion Questions
Selection 26: Arval Looking Horse, "The Sacred Pipe in Modern Life"
Selection 27: Toby Lester, "Oh, Gods!"
Selection 28: David Hufford, "Folklore and Medicine"
Part IX: Applied and Future Anthropologies
Introduction and Discussion Questions
Selection 29: James L. Peacock, "Reflections on Collaboration, Ethnographic and Applied"
Selection 30: Cathy Small, "Studying College Students: Applying Anthropology to Teaching Anthropology"
Selection 31: Tom Boellstorff, "Virtual Worlds and Futures of Anthropology"