Globe Pequot / Lyons Press
Pages: 324
Trim: 5½ x 8¾
978-1-4930-5022-2 • Paperback • November 2020 • $19.95 • (£14.99)
978-1-4930-5023-9 • eBook • November 2020 • $19.00 • (£14.99)
George Cantor has been an author and working journalist since 1963. His award-winning column has been a fixture in the Detroit News for twenty years, and he has written extensively on American history, travel, sports, and pop culture. Cantor was a consultant and travel writer for the History Channel and served as a prime contributor to the cable network's website. He lived in Wes Bloomfield, Michigan, with his wife Sherry, and daughter, Jaime.
Bad Guys in American History is a book that is not taught in your child's social studies class, yet is a genuinely informative, and fun read. All students of American history will surely get a plateful of dicey information on the underside of our history.
— Back Channels Magazine