Globe Pequot / McBooks Press
Pages: 296
Trim: 6 x 8¾
978-1-4930-4883-0 • Paperback • June 2020 • $18.95 • (£14.99)
978-1-4930-4885-4 • eBook • June 2020 • $5.99 • (£4.99)
Marcus Palliser was an American-born, British-based novelist. He gave up a career as an executive in corporate PR to work as a freelance writer and sail. In the late 1990s, he spent three years living aboard a small yacht, sailing in the Mediterranean and crossing the Atlantic single-handed. He lived in Truro, Cornwall, near some of the most dramatic seacoasts in the world.
A thundering 18th century seagoing series.
— Evening Telegraph
A fine read . . . with twists, turns and action galore, Mr. Palliser spins a fine, salty tale. A devil of a yarn, in fact.
— West Briton