Globe Pequot / Lyons Press
Pages: 248
Trim: 6 x 9
978-1-4930-4639-3 • Paperback • February 2020 • $22.95 • (£17.99)
978-1-4930-5481-7 • eBook • February 2020 • $21.50 • (£16.99)
MICHAEL CONNELLY competed in the 1996 Boston marathon on the race's centennial anniversary and crossed the finish line experiencing "immeasurable joy, satisfaction, and pain." An executive with a Boston area bank, he lives with his family in West Roxbury, Massachusetts.
"26 MILESTO BOSTON offers a unique look at the event and what it means to runners and the Boston community as it has never before been chronicled."
--Boston Athletic Association
"The Boston Marathon is the story of America: Pride determination and sacrifice. After running 26.2 miles you see life and yourself differently. You feel part of American history. Michael Connelly captures that spirit." Ray Flynn, former Boston Mayor and Ambassador to the Holy See
"26 Miles to Boston puts you in the race. Mile after mile, my imagery and heart rate moved along the Boston Marathon course as I were actually back on it." - Jean Driscoll, eight-time women's wheelchair champion