Globe Pequot / Falcon Guides
Pages: 256
Trim: 6 x 9
978-1-4930-3632-5 • Paperback • April 2019 • $24.95 • (£18.99)
978-1-4930-3633-2 • eBook • April 2019 • $23.50 • (£17.99)
Damian Fagan, writer, photographer and naturalist, is the Communications Manager at the High Desert Museum. A former National Park Service Ranger and wildlife biologist, Fagan also leads outdoor recreational trips for the Central Oregon Community College’s Continuing Education program. He received a B.S. in Botany from the University of Washington before moving to Utah to work at Arches National Park. He is the author of three FalconGuide books Canyon Country Wildflowers and Pacific Northwest Wildflowers, as well as Arches and Canyonlands Natural Parks Pocket Guide. He has written hiking guides and numerous magazine and newspaper articles focused on natural history. Fagan currently lives in Bend, Oregon.