Globe Pequot / TwoDot
Pages: 174
Trim: 6¼ x 7½
978-1-4930-2836-8 • Hardback • June 2017 • $19.95 • (£14.99)
978-1-4930-2837-5 • eBook • June 2017 • $18.99 • (£14.99)
Alex and Stephanie Hester have lived in huckleberry country for most of their lives. Near their family cabin in Montana, they have their own secret picking spot where they have spent many hours hand-picking berries and using them to prepare delicious dishes. Both Alex and Stephanie earned their undergraduate degrees in Environmental Studies from The Evergreen State College in Olympia, Washington. Alex is a counselor and supervisor at a residential treatment center for children by day. In his spare time, he caters special events and private parties and enjoys experimenting in the kitchen. Stephanie works for the Montana Department of Environmental Quality. She enjoys eating Alex’s dishes, spending time in the outdoors, and traveling. Stephanie and Alex reside in Helena, Montana, with their sons Jack and Sam.