Introduction (Byron Darnall)
The Research: Safe from the Inside Out (Lu Settles Young)
Ch. 1: Missing Child (Rocky Wallace)
Ch. 2: One Down…Maybe More (Stephanie Sullivan and Abigale Morris)
Ch. 3: Panic at the Disco (Ann Burns)
Ch. 4: Phrases (Keith Griesser)
Ch. 5: Community Disaster (Abigale Morris)
Ch. 6: Not in My School (Chuck Hamilton)
Ch. 7: We Have a Runner (Neely Traylor)
Ch. 8: The Apple Did Not Fall Far from the Tree (William Engle)
Ch. 9: School Safety and Resiliency Act of 2019 (Ben Wilcox)
Ch. 10: Fear of the Unknown (Brett Burton)
Ch. 11: Enraged Student (Veda Stewart)
Ch. 12: The Power of a Trusting Relationship (Carrie Ballinger)
Ch. 13: Leadership Practices for Success in Crisis Situations (Kevin Hub)
Ch. 14: Keep Everyone Safe (Michael W. Kessinger)
Ch. 15: Baby Bear Wants His Porridge…Now! (Franklin Thomas)
Ch. 16: Bad Decisions Can Be Made with the Best Intentions (Rebecca Howell)
Ch. 17: Ready at All Costs, or Ready at All (Leslie Todd Watts)
Ch. 18: We Can’t Do Everything (Krystal Conway-Cunningham and Michael W. Kessinger)
Ch. 19: The Quiet Kid (Taylor Lauck and Christina Drury)
Ch. 20: Anonymous Caller (J.P. Rader)
Ch. 21: It’s Not Going to Happen Here (Bill Sullivan)
Ch. 22: Cell Phone Safety (Myram Brady, Rachel Addison-Miller and Pamela Puryear)
Ch. 23: Security Scare, Internet Style (Holly Hunt and Kim Puckett)
Ch. 24: Student Voice (Toni Konz Tatman)
Closing Thoughts
Appendix—Promising Practices from the Kentucky Center for School Safety
Reference Page