If you are interested in changing systems of education and how they work for young people, this is a must-read on educational leadership. Filled with examples and a framework to guide leaders, Dr. Stiepleman helps the reader think deeper about practice and ways to learn from people at various vantage points of a school system. He takes systems thinking concepts and makes them practical for educators who want to build lasting change--a must read for anyone tasked to lead.
— Saras Chung, PhD, MSW, Executive Director of SKIP Designed and an adjunct faculty at Washington University in St. Louis
While success is celebrated, behind these worthy accomplishments is often a series of lessons learned the hard way which often are kept hidden. Peter brings to light, in a human, respectful and engaging way, leadership lessons learned from honest reflection of what could have been better, different or worth repeating. He analyzes the needed leadership skills of K-12 administrators in clear and compelling ways. He reminds us that no one is perfect, but each decision carefully reviewed can make us better leaders and help us serve students, staff and communities more effectively. This is a great guide to the work of leading complex organizations in challenging times.
— Nate Levenson, president of New Solution K12; author, Smarter Budgets, Smarter Schools
Those who write about leadership have created flawed works with impossible expectations: to be a perfect leader. Peter Stiepleman challenges us all. An Imperfect Leader is a brilliantly conceptualized story of a superintendent challenged by antiquated practices, challenging data, district culture, dispersed values—and eventually the Covid 19 pandemic. This book is a must-read for beginning, mid-career as well as accomplished leaders.
— Linda Lambert, Ed.D., professor emeritus, California State University, East Bay. author of “The Constructivist Leader” and “Leadership Capacity for Lasting School Improvement”
Peter is the kind of author who understands the challenges leaders face. In An Imperfect Leader, he documents the all too familiar challenges superintendents and their districts encounter. His introduction of a human-centered leadership model, coupled with the use of engaging storytelling and thoughtful reflections, are designed to impact leader longevity. A terrific resource for leaders and their leadership teams.
— Shari Camhi, Dr., AASA President and superintendent, Baldwin, NY
An Imperfect Leader is a book that provides insight for educational leaders who desire to grow within the discipline. That’s what the job of a superintendent is all about: to be a lead learner.
— School Administrator