Foreword by Karen Wohlwend
Jumping into Playful Reader Response
What the Research Tells Us
Bringing it All Together
Igniting the Spark
Chapter 1: The Importance of Children’s Literature
Read, Play, Laugh
The Need for Quality, Diverse Children’s Literature
Final Thoughts
Chapter 2: Putting Play to Work: Implementing Responsive Play in the Classroom
The Space-Time-Materiality Continuum
Key Components of Responsive Play
Final Thoughts: Adjusting Responsive Play to Meet Your Classroom Needs
Chapter 3: Connecting Playful Reader Response to Classroom Literacy Goals
Connecting to Personal Experiences and Knowledge
Developing and Practicing Literacy Skills and Strategies
Final Thoughts: (Re)Playing
Chapter 4: Observing, Documenting, and Assessing Literacy Learning
Observing Children’s Play
Documenting Children’s Engagements
Assessing Learning
Final Thoughts: Self-Evaluation
Chapter 5: Play(ing) Across the Day
Playful Writing
Playing into the Future
Final, Final Thoughts
About the Author