Rowman & Littlefield Publishers
Pages: 298
Trim: 7¼ x 10½
978-1-4758-6924-8 • Hardback • May 2023 • $100.00 • (£77.00)
978-1-4758-6925-5 • Paperback • April 2023 • $38.00 • (£30.00)
978-1-4758-6926-2 • eBook • April 2023 • $36.00 • (£30.00)
Richard Bauscher has served as a school superintendent for twenty-three years, assistant superintendent in Washington, a principal and athletic director in Idaho. He has fifteen years of assessing school facilities, as well as thirty years with many school construction projects including new buildings, remodels, additions, and their respective designs. Bauscher is currently associate professor in the Educational Leadership department for the University of Idaho and remains as an educational consultant.
E. Michael (Mike) Poe has been an administrator for forty years in a variety of settings including middle school, high school, and university levels. He has been involved with numerous school construction projects including new buildings, remodels, and additions. Poe is currently professor emeritus in educational leadership at Northwest Nazarene University (Idaho).
Part I: Theory and Principles of Planning
1 The Evolution of Educational Facilities
2 Educational Practices and Technological Developments
Part II: Procedures and Criteria for Long-Range Planning
3 School Surveys
4 The Building Condition Evaluation Form [BCEF] and Future Use of Existing Buildings
5 Foundations and Principles of Educational Facility Planning
6 Long Range Facility Planning [LRFP]
Part III Fundamental Elements of Educational Planning
7 Leeway for Change
8 Adequacy, Efficiency, and Economy
9 Planning for Energy Conservation and Management
10 Safety, Health, and Comfort
Part IV Planning for an Education Facility
11 Planning Elementary and Middle Schools
12 Planning Secondary School Buildings
13 Post-Planning Procedures and Construction Costs
14 Modernization of Educational Facilities
15 School Bond Referendums
Part V Modernizing, Maintaining, and Operating an Existing Facility
16 Maintenance and Operation
Appendix I Bond Timeline Example
Appendix II Bond Brochure
There has been a lot written about school facilities over the years, but rarely has a book been authored by someone who has been a teacher, principal, superintendent, educational consultant, and university professor. Richard Bauscher has to be one of the most experienced and notable experts in this field. This book is very informational for anyone striving to be in a district leadership position or who wants to better understand the world of school facilities!
— Mike Friend, PhD, retired superintendent and past director of the Association of School Administrators (Idaho)
As a professor in educational administration and a former superintendent (22 years), I consistently utilize this text. Conducting an extensive search, I chose this book both as a text and a reference. Itcovers school construction planning anda 'strategy system' for passing of school bonds. I find this book to be extremely useful and recommend it highly!
— Ron Bolinger, EdD, retired superintendent and professor in educational administration
Bauscher’s school facility expertise helped us design and build many schools renown locally and nationally. With his extensive in-depth knowledge in authoring this book, it is essential that every school administrator get one.
— Steve Cluff, former School District Trustee Chairman (Idaho)