From Surviving to Thriving: Resources and Advice for New, Aspiring, and Veteran Superintendents is such a welcome read for new superintendents given the increasing number of new superintendents as a result of a ballooning superintendent turnover rate. Experienced superintendents as well, who are navigating the changing responsibilities of school district leaders, are provided a common sense perspective important to their emerging everyday work. This is one of the “best books” to support superintendents in ways to minimize the pitfalls they potentially face every day. Armand and Rich are able to describe the functions and responsibilities of superintendents in a practical way and provide effective strategies drawn from their experiences. Each chapter opens with a superintendent's experience then provides context and perspective. Chapters cover critical topics including teaching and learning, personnel, nurturing relationships with multiple stakeholders, creating networks, critical communication, and leading through crisis and conflict. This book on the work of superintendents is different than most. It draws from the writers' practical and personal journey that can help new superintendents organize their thinking while engaging in strategies that work, and for experienced superintendents as they navigate the complexities of their job.
— Philip D. Lanoue, PhD, 2015 American Association of School Administrators (AASA) National Superintendent of the Year
You are the one in that chair. You are the one who answers 5, 7, or 9 board members who don’t work in school but determine whether or not you are doing a good job. You are the one who answers to the community. That gets isolating. From Surviving to Thriving: Resources and Advice for New, Aspiring, and Veteran Superintendents helps you build the capacity and to address the isolation that comes with the job. From effective communication to building relationships, it is a practical guide that provides a roadmap for success in your first year as a superintendent or your tenth.
— Joe Sanfelippo, superintendent, 2019 Education Dive Superintendent of the Year
Beyond their formal education, the real test for a superintendent’s survival and ability to thrive is how well they deal with the myriad issues faced every day. The most valued resource for any superintendent is the networking they experience with colleagues. My frequent message to superintendents is to learn from the experiences of others - “a neighboring superintendent’s problem today is often your problem tomorrow.” From Surviving to Thriving: Resources and Advice for Aspiring, New and Veteran Superintendents is a terrific practitioner’s guide of best practices which can help every superintendent strategize the many complex challenges they face. The book reminds us of how important It is to build your success on strong relationships with clear and consistent communication skills. The authors do this using examples of actual experiences superintendents face every day.This is a must read for aspiring and new superintendents and for veteran superintendents the book is a valuable tool for self -reflection.
— Thomas A. Scott, EdD, Executive Director, Massachusetts Association of School Superintendents
In From Surviving to Thriving: Resources and Advice for New, Aspiring, and Veteran Superintendents,Rich and Armand have provided readers with a thorough education that guides them through the many facets, nuances, and challenges of the superintendency. Grounded in reflection and vulnerability, and centered around relationships with all constituents from school boards, to teachers, staff, families, students, community members, and other superintendents, the chapters are packed with lessons learned to help superintendents navigate the complex landscape of their roles. This book is a must-have that delivers practical strategies, targeted recommendations, and situational advice that will support the success of both new and experienced superintendents alike!
— Alison J. Mello, Author, Math Consultant, former Assistant Superintendent
During my career, I had the privilege of leading districts and serving its students, staff, and community. The superintendency, while rewarding, continues to become more challenging and complicated. But, with the right strategies, those challenges can be successfully overcome. The practical strategies outlined in this book are rooted in proven success and provide a roadmap for navigating the complex landscape of the superintendency. Whether you're just starting out or looking for new ideas, this book is a must-read for anyone committed to making a positive impact on students and schools.
— Bradford L. Jackson, EdD, Massachusetts Superintendent of the Year - 2020