Foreword: Tristan Denley
Preface: Jeffery Galle
Introduction: Jeffery Galle
Chapter 1: Pedagogies of Engagement: ‘Teaching Moves’ for Student Learning
Jeffery Galle
Chapter 2: “Cool Class” ideas applicable in online, hybrid, and face-to-face modalities
Jim Fatzinger
Chapter 3: Strategizing "Failure": Found Texts, Inquiry, and Building New Mental Models
Rebecca L. Harrison
Chapter 4: Using Growth Mindset to Facilitate Belonging in First Year Writing
Julie Kozee
Chapter 5: How focusing on learning from mistakes facilitated learning in Calculus Class
Veena Paliwal
Chapter 6: Won’t You Be My Neighbor? A Learning Community Experiment
Lindsay Bailey, Shane Toepfer, and Laura Ng
Chapter 7: Small Teaching Strategy: Connecting through the Circle
Molly Zhou
Chapter 8: What’s in a Name?
Carl J. Gabrini
Chapter 9: Using Engagement Activities To Spark Greater Openness to Learning
Marlene Call
Chapter 10: First Day Activity Prior to Orientation and Disbursement of Syllabus
Clarence Riley
Chapter 11: How Small Teaching Creates a Big Impact!
Sutandra Sarkar
Chapter 12: An Evolution of Engaging Students: Learning Assistants in the Classroom
Aubrey L. Dyer
Chapter 13: Using Evidence-Based Practices in Courses About Evidence
Emily G. Weigel
Chapter 14: The Legal World is Wider than Students Think
Monica Carol Miller
Chapter 15: Service-Learning for Social Justice in General Education Courses
Stefanie Sevcik
Chapter 16: Virtual Exchange Integration in Precalculus: Enhancing Collaboration and Learning Sutandra Sarkar
Chapter 17: Writing in Mathematics (WIM)
Belinda P. Edwards
Chapter 18: Google Docs, A Tool for Engagement & Self-Explanation
Ava Hogan-Chapman
Chapter 19: Creating Cultures of Creative Critical Thinking and Self-Reflection in the College Arts Classroom
Laura McCloskey Wolfe
Chapter 20: Understanding Friction: Using a Faculty Learning Community to Promote Student Success and Faculty Satisfaction
Robert R. Bleil
Chapter 21: Learning Moves and Program Innovation
Jo Galle and Jeffery Galle
Chapter 22: An Effective Institutional Data Communication Plan
Jesse Bishop
Chapter 23: Listening Without Speaking: Making the Need for Equity Real
Devon Fisher and Jessica O’Brien
Chapter 24: Creating Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Opportunities for Faculty
Donna Troka
Chapter 25: Establishment of Centers to Support Faculty and Students
Tyler Yu
Chapter 26: Reinvigorating the First Year Experience Program at Savannah State University
Frank J. Mendelson
Chapter 27: The Undergraduate Research Symposium at South Georgia State College: History, Status, and Future
Robert L. Potter, Rosa Guedes, and Frank Holiwski
Chapter 28: New Faculty Orientation: Developing Faculty in Academic Mindsets and More
Laura R. Lynch
Chapter 29: Developing Expertise for Teaching through a Graduate Fellows Program
Ania Kowalik
Chapter 30: The New Faculty Academy of the Center for Teaching Excellence
Mei Zhang
Chapter 31: Interprofessional Education Collaborative: A Pilot Project
Laura Kim Gosa
Chapter 32: Learning Moves and Gen Ed, the Curriculum, and New Degrees
Jeffery Galle
Chapter 33: High Impact Practices Across the Curriculum: GC Journeys
Jordan Cofer
Chapter 34: An Exaltation of Larks
Jeffery Galle
About the Author