Rowman & Littlefield Publishers
Pages: 132
Trim: 6½ x 9
978-1-4758-6446-5 • Hardback • February 2022 • $95.00 • (£73.00)
978-1-4758-6447-2 • Paperback • February 2022 • $42.00 • (£35.00)
978-1-4758-6448-9 • eBook • February 2022 • $39.50 • (£30.00)
A passionate practitioner with a strong theoretical background, Dr. Mario C. Barbiere was a teacher, school administrator, superintendent, professor, and school turnaround educator committed to positive student academic success and closing the achievement gap. He has worked at both the district and state level for school turnaround promoting student self-regulation and teacher empowerment.
Chapter 1.Background: The Nature of the Learner
Chapter 2.Questioning Pitfalls
Chapter 3.Instructional Release
Chapter 4.Effective Questioning
Chapter 5.Questioning Activities
Chapter 6.Planning Questions
Chapter 7. Putting It All Together
About the Author
As an elementary school teacher, Dr. Mario C. Barbiere’s book, Empowering Students Through Questioning: A Guide for Understanding the Skills in Lesson Design and Instruction, has been an extremely useful and informative text. Each chapter offers something enlightening that can be used in everyday planning, differentiating, and instructing for students of all ages and abilities. Additionally, this book has been a helpful tool that myself and colleagues have utilized during Professional Learning Communities.
— Katie Mitchell, elementary school teacher, Millburn Township Public Schools, Millburn, New Jersey
Dr. Barbiere was a professor of mine during my undergraduate studies, and I was fortunate enough to reconnect with him during my graduate studies. His passion for education knows no bounds and he continues to move forward in a progressive style that is second to none. By encouraging teachers to act as facilitators to student-guided instruction and questioning, students are exposed to a higher educational plane that fosters true learning. Barbiere’s methods are practical and innovative, and I can see his methodology offering students their greatest opportunities for success.
— Robert Sukovich, mathematics teacher, Township of Union Public Schools, Union, New Jersey
As a former mentee and employee of Dr. Barbiere, I have witnessed the impact that effective questioning practices have on a multitude of student learners. These types of techniques have been successful in various school settings, grade levels, and student ability levels. What’s unique about Dr. Barbiere’s approach is that through higher order questioning, students gain the necessary skills to build confidence and think critically resulting in self-regulated learning. As a school administrator, I have coached many staff members and have seen a significant change in students’ ability to overcome challenges on their own using many of Dr. Barbiere’s techniques. I am fully confident that proper implementation of these techniques can yield positive effects on student learning within your classroom and/or school district as it has done in mine.
— Frank Zalocki, vice principal, South Amboy Public Schools, South Amboy, New Jersey