Why is school a negative experience for so many kids?” In a book filled with vital questions, this is the one that reached out and grabbed me by the heart. In School ~ The Seedbed of Society, Wendy Rosen helps us to imagine the education children can and should have – and the kind of humane world that would result if they had it. Her vision is one of love and optimism, and it offers hope at a time when we need it most.
— Rae Pica, author, “What If Everybody Understood Child Development?”; www.raepica.com
Wendy Rosen has written a beautiful, heart-warming gem, like none I have ever seen before. Her deep wisdom affirming why we need to treat children wholistically, and not just as academic performance machines, is so powerful. This message urgently needs to become common knowledge. Have you ever wondered why many children love to learn, but hate school? Wendy Rosen has the answers.
— Justin Ryan, Licensed Educational Psychologist, www.adhdTeacher.org
Interspersed with beautiful poems and essays from her own life experiences, Wendy Rosen has woven a story of hope for, and to, humanity and a prescription for how we can get through by way of how we love, nurture, and educate children. Yes, the world seems at times to be in dire straits, but moments of joy, love, empathy, and compassion exist to tip the balance, if only we pause to notice them so we can learn from the wisdom and struggles of others, heal our own hurts, and share our stories so we can help each other heal. In a world that seems to hurtle forward at a million miles per hour, this book gives us permission to see what is possible if we only slow down enough to look.
— Emily Cherkin, MA, Ed., The Screentime Consultant, www.thescreentimeconsultant.com
Wendy Rosen's School, The Seedbed of Society offers a way forward for everyone feeling lost, particularly students and teachers. Her book maintains a clear-eyed yet pragmatic optimism in the face of the huge challenges faced by society today. As we continue to surface from the darkest hours of the covid shutdowns, Rosen reminds us that everything is connected, pointing towards a paradigm shift for education, and the ways we think about the health of ourselves and our planet. "Seedbed" is a call to action, weaving together original poetry, journal entries, probing conversations and profound thoughts on nature, communities, storytelling, empathy and love.
— Brian Selznick, author of The Invention of Hugo Cabret and Big Tree