Overcoming Cultural Mismatch: Reaching and Teaching Diverse Students by Abigail Fuller, Ed. D is a publication that merits elementary pre-service teachers' and classroom teachers' attention as it addresses pertinent issues unfolding in classrooms nationwide. This publication offers insight into creating and exploring a culturally responsive classroom environment. Likewise, this publication is useful for school administrators that may use the content of this publication as the basis of a culturally responsive teaching framework emphasizing multicultural praxis.
— Rebeca Arndt, PhD candidate, TESOL Track, University of Central Florida
This is such an important work! Dr. Fuller’s perspective, as a woman living a bi-cultural life in a bi-racial family, helps the reader process this critical information with increased empathy and mindfulness. We teach people’s children, the most important things in their lives. When we celebrate and honor each and every student, we celebrate and honor their families and their histories.
— Michelle Cassinelli, 4th Grade Teacher
In 2021, Dr. Fuller's timely publication offers insight into navigating the uncertain pathway to achieving stronger, more valued partnerships between teachers, students, and community members. American school leaders are eager to find ways to build positive relationships with individuals of culturally diverse populations and create learning organizations that choose to honor differences and embrace the difficult conversations that ultimately assist in knowing each other fully. Dr. Fuller emphasizes the notion that when we know our students and we better know ourselves then we can begin the process of serving in a manner that promotes equity and narrows the racial achievement gap. Overcoming Cultural Mismatch: Reaching and Teaching Diverse Children is a must read for administrators and district leadership teams in order to understand the power of enacting frameworks and action plans that move the vital race conversations in a positive direction.
— Cherise Williams, principal, South Christian Elementary
Dr. Fuller has compiled key elements from her research and presentations on culturally responsive pedagogy into one user-friendly guide of interest to all teachers, school leaders, and teacher preparation faculty. In this book she explains foundational issues in multicultural pedagogy, offers practical application for both classroom and school-wide implementation, and helps educators to construct their own cultural portraits in order to “open the door” to culturally responsive teaching. This approach empowers teachers of diverse populations and in turn optimizes and values the rich resources of our learners.
— Carla Huck, MS Ed, Florida Gulf Coast University, Southwest Florida TESOL
Dr. Abigail Fuller raises important questions in her book Overcoming Cultural Mismatch:
Reaching and Teaching Diverse Students. The book begins a deep dive into the concept of
cultural mismatch and ends with a powerful call to action that engages the reader to use
accompanying tools to increase cultural responsiveness, relevance and engagement in the
classroom. Anyone involved in the development and education of children should pay
attention to this book.
— Susan Jordan, principal, Lavern Gaynor Elementary School