In Redefining Instructional Leadership: The Skills and Energy Required of an Instructional Leader,John R. Jones and Misty Henry present a common-sense approach to leading. They offer a framework built on the foundation of relationships and trust as a way to leverage influence and support teachers, students, and community members moving in the same direction—school improvement. The expression, “Still waters run deep” comes to mind while reading this book. The authors present the best thinking on leading aspiring and in-service leaders in understanding not only what they should do but more importantly how to enact practices that result in better learning opportunities for students and teachers.
— Sally J. Zepeda, PhD, College of Education, University of Georgia
To say there’s a lot to focus on with the contemporary principalship is an obvious understatement. The work is increasingly complex and demanding but to lead as a principal means knowing your stuff when it comes to teaching and learning, which is the very heart of the schooling enterprise. There’s really no way around this. In Redefining Instructional Leadership Jones and Henry set out a framework for understanding and carrying out the multifaceted dimensions of instructional improvement and intentional teacher formation that is desperately needed in most of our schools today. This is an essential read for both aspiring and incumbent educational leaders.
— William C. Frick, Rainbolt Family Endowed Presidential Professor of Educational Leadership and Policy Studies, University of Oklahoma
Redefining Instructional Leadership: The Skills and Energy Required of an Instructional Leader emphasizes the importance of being an instructional leader in today’s schools. A good manager is one thing—a good leader is another! This book acknowledges theories while demonstrating what those theories look like in practice. The authors have many years of successful experience in the classroom as well as numerous years as educational leaders, and they have a heart for improving education. This book will support educational leadership for years to come.
— Stephoni Case, professor, director of the Master of Arts in Educational Leadership, and director of the Doctor of Education in Administration and Leadership, Southern Nazarene University
Redefining Instructional Leadership: The Skills and Energy Required of an Instructional Leader is a must-read. Jones and Henry redefine instructional leadership in our schools, focusing on the roles and procedures impactful instructional leaders ought to uphold to promote improvement for teaching and learning. They state, “If schools are to succeed in the years to come, school leaders must not only have their heads in the right places, but their hearts as well.” This book is a compelling read which will spark light and knowledge into future and current leaders, resulting in improved instruction and student achievement in today’s schools.
— Hailey Couch, 2nd grade teacher, Adams Elementary, Norman Oklahoma Public Schools, and recipient of the national Milken Educator Award
Redefining Instructional Leadership would benefit those newer to the field, serving as a starting point for deeper discussions about helping teachers improve their instructional practice.
— School Administrator