Rowman & Littlefield Publishers
Pages: 174
Trim: 6¼ x 9½
978-1-4758-6086-3 • Hardback • August 2021 • $100.00 • (£77.00)
978-1-4758-6087-0 • Paperback • August 2021 • $45.00 • (£35.00)
978-1-4758-6088-7 • eBook • August 2021 • $42.50 • (£35.00)
Chris Edwards, EdDis the author of numerous books with Rowman & Littlefield, has presented his original connect-the-dots teaching method through the National Council for the Social Studies, and is a frequent contributor to Skeptic magazine. He teaches AP World History and an English course on critical thinking at a public high school in the Midwest.
Chapter 1. Antecedents to Femocracy
Chapter 2. English History and the English Stage
Chapter 3. The Enlightenment
Chapter 4. Revolution and the Vindication
Chapter 5. Anti-Slavery and The Declaration of Sentiments
Chapter 6. Between the Suffragettes and Birth Control
Chapter 7. Higher Education and The Pill
Chapter 8. From The Feminine Mystique to Oprah
Chapter 9. Femocracy in the West from 2011 to the Future
In this compact and lively volume, Chris Edwards proposes an interpretation of world history centered on the growth of feminine democratic values defined as cooperative, considerate of others, group based, and nurturing. Tracing important changes in society from the Enlightenment through the French Revolution, and on into contemporary times, key points in the development of this alternative history emerge. The book is particularly useful in explicating the importance of mass publishing, the abolitionist movement, access to higher education, and birth control on the growth of this femocratic historical force. The perspective presented is likely to spark lively classroom discussions.
— Gary A. Berg