Chapter 1. The Development of Teacher Identity: Becoming a Teacher
Patrick M. Jenlink
Chapter 2. The Impact of Teacher Education in School Practice: The Professional Identity Development of a Novice Primary School Teacher of Mathematics
Hanna Palmér
Chapter 3. Mediated Representations of Teacher Identity in Mr. D: Reconciling Cultural Images of the Expert-Professional Educator
Charles L. Lowery
Chapter 4. “It’s Just Kinda Like a Year-long Job Interview”: Preservice Teacher Identity Development in a Year-long Teacher Residency
Yiting Chu
Chapter 5. The TIN WOODMAN: An Analogy for Overcoming Heartless Educator Preparation
Paul Parkison
Chapter 6. Work(s) in Progress: Professional Teacher Identity Development in Lesbian and Gay Preservice E/La Teachers
Summer DavisChapter 7. Exploring the Mathematics Identities of Pre-Service Elementary and Early Childhood Teachers
Ashley Renaire Davis and Helen L. Johnson
Chapter 8. Pre-service Language Teachers’ Agency Experiences: Constructing Professional Identities through Agentive Participation in University Courses
Päivikki Jääskelä, Riikka Alanen, Maria Ruohotie-Lyhty, and Anne Pitkänen-Huhta
Chapter 9. Music Teacher Resilience: Identity Transitions During the Early Years of Teaching
Kristen Pellegrino, Erik Johnson, Cynthia L. Wagoner, and Sean Robert Powell
Chapter 10. Epilogue: Teacher Identity: The Importance of Making Sense of One’s Self as Teacher
Patrick M. Jenlink
About the Editor and Authors