Rowman & Littlefield Publishers
Pages: 150
Trim: 6½ x 9
978-1-4758-5855-6 • Hardback • June 2021 • $83.00 • (£64.00)
978-1-4758-5856-3 • Paperback • June 2021 • $34.00 • (£25.00)
978-1-4758-5857-0 • eBook • June 2021 • $32.00 • (£25.00)
James A. Bryant, Jr. is an author and educator who lives in Western North Carolina. He is the author of Curley and Now More Than Ever: “Social Studies” in the 21st Century, as well as the founder and director of the Gadugi program, an early college program at Cherokee High School.
Foreword, Dr. Deborah Kinsland Foerst
Introduction, Cody Beasley
Chapter One: Forever Unfit to be a Slave
Chapter Two: Pilgrims to the Horizon
Chapter Three: Rowing to Galveston
Chapter Four: Standing on Desks
Chapter Five: The Same River Twice
Chapter Six: “Well done young man”
Chapter Seven: Dispatch from Jericho Road
Chapter Eight:Issues and Trends
Chapter Nine: A Vocation at Risk: Outflanking the Forty-eight
In his unique way, Bryant writes with passion about the realities of teaching. To best prepare teachers we should revisit the sage advice of the giants in our field, as he does, and give preservice teachers real experience and less of the mundane mediocrity that too often passes for teacher preparation.
— Nadine Tepper, teacher educator at the University of North Dakota
Education should be viewed as a profession that is critical to the future of this country. Dr. Bryant has a unique and effective way of stating both the importance of education, as well as the crucial role in developing the integrity of prospective teachers will play in achieving a more respected status for our field. His focus on pedagogy, fostering relationships, communication and ethical behavior is spot on in developing the traits associated with successful teachers.
— Phillip K. Griffin, director of Support Services Smyth County Public Schools