Rowman & Littlefield Publishers
Pages: 100
Trim: 6¼ x 9½
978-1-4758-5799-3 • Hardback • October 2020 • $59.00 • (£45.00)
978-1-4758-5800-6 • Paperback • October 2020 • $31.00 • (£25.00)
978-1-4758-5801-3 • eBook • October 2020 • $29.50 • (£25.00)
Mary Lou McCormick is a long-time teacher and school guidance counselor in at-risk schools in Texas and Nevada. She served as a Clark County School District Crisis Counselor for all grade levels for many years. She earned a Master’s Degree in Education from West Texas A&M and pursued graduate studies in psychological and educational counseling at Texas Tech University.
Chapter 1: Why Methods of “The Good ‘Ole Days” Are No Longer Effective in Today’s Schools and Homes
Chapter 2: Key Concepts In The Philosophical Premises: The Power Of Encouragement
Chapter 3: Some Basic Counseling Tools
Chapter 4: Behavior Management Tips to Minimize Misbehavior
Chapter 5: Building a Personal Democratic System Of Discipline: Some Strategies, Theories And Principles to Consider
Appendix: A Quick Reference To Useful Tools To Promote Positive Behaviors
McCormick, a long-time teacher and school guidance counselor in at-risk schools in Texas and Nevada, has written a useful resource for parents and educators that succinctly introduces the principles of democratic education and offers helpful strategies to apply equitable practices in children’s learning environments. Although this text is easily accessible to general readers, McCormick primarily focuses on strategies for elementary and middle school with an American-centric lens. The book offers a general introduction to equitable teaching practices and behavior management, focusing on discipline and conflict resolution strategies. Recommended.
— Choice Reviews
Civic-minded people are becoming aware that young people are growing up ignorant of, and uncommitted to, the principles upon which our nation was founded. If we make our schools and homes models for democracy, give kids the freedom of choice and bestow on them the basic rights of citizenship, they will have no trouble understanding what our country is about.
— Counseling Today
Not only is Creating a Democratic Climate for Kids an easy to use toolbox of practical and easily applicable strategies, but it is also a much-needed updated approach for dealing with today’s kids. Surely this will be a recommended resource for all educators, counselors, and others in contact with today’s youth.— Jose D. Vasquez, LCDCI, LVN, Managing Director of Lakeview Education, Rockwall, TX; Licensed Chemical Dependency Counselor; former educator and nurse for high risk youth offenders
Creating a Democratic Climate for Kids is an excellent book for reinvigorating American civics. At a time where public cynicism—especially among our young people— threatens to engulf and jeopardize our nation, McCormick provides practical rubrics for restoration and useful 21st century knowledge. This is a great educational tool for repairing one of the most serious breaches in our public culture today. The book provides a wealth of practical tools for resolving conflicts and creating a positive communication culture.— Ben Voth, associate professor, communication; director of speech and debate, Southern Methodist University; former advisor for the George W Bush institute, the Coolidge Presidential foundation and the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in DC
Having reviewed McCormick’s newest educational work Creating a Democratic Climate for Kids, I can state that this work has arrived at the perfect time for our educational setting. McCormick blends past knowledge and experience with well thought out techniques for today’s ever-changing climate found in our educational system. This work begins with the meaning behind behaviors and the social impact it has on the climate, then McCormick takes the reader through the development of strategies to enhance the skill set found in students and their peers. This should be a part of your educational tool set.— Robert D. Wood, Med, leadership, youth group leader; former high school principal
As a teacher of English language learners, empowering my students with knowledge and tools spelled out in Creating a Democratic Climate for Kids is a game changer! This treasure trove of concrete tools reveals classroom-worthy principles of democracy for all students. It galvanizes the reader with straightforward, easy to implement strategies to instill these values in all our students.— Michelle Heh, ELL Teacher, Cumberland Valley School District, Mechanicsburg, PA