Rowman & Littlefield Publishers
Pages: 94
Trim: 6½ x 9
978-1-4758-5784-9 • Hardback • October 2020 • $59.00 • (£45.00)
978-1-4758-5785-6 • Paperback • October 2020 • $31.00 • (£25.00)
978-1-4758-5786-3 • eBook • October 2020 • $29.50 • (£25.00)
Dr. Jennings is a twenty-seven-year veteran in the field of education. In addition to his work as a professor and consultant, he has served as a classroom teacher, supervisor, director, assistant superintendent, and superintendent of schools.
Table of Contents
Truth One: The Expectations Others Place Upon You are Unrealistic
Truth Two: Change Leadership is Necessary, but it is Dangerous Business
Truth Three: In General, Teachers are a Difficult Group to Lead
Truth Four: There is No Such Thing as the “Community”
Truth Five: Your “Boss” is Not Qualified to do Their Job
Truth Six: You Cannot Defeat an Evil, Exploitive Board Majority
Truth Seven: There is a Strong Chance Your Tenure Will Not Last Forever
Truth Eight: It is Lonely at the Top
Truth Nine: The Media Does Not Sell the Truth, They Sell Newspapers
Truth Ten: You Can Make a Difference
Bonus Truths
About the Author
"Dancing on the Skillet: Ten Truths about Being a School Superintendent" is an easy-to-read book and would be appropriate for an aspiring superintendent program or an educational leadership graduate class geared toward candidates considering the superintendency.
— School Administrator
There are times when I was reading this book that I thought Dr. Jennings was writing about my experiences as a school superintendent and building administrator for over 20 years, and not his own. Superintendents ascend the ranks in education to champion for students. What they don’t tell you in graduate school is that the job is akin to a boxing ring. Ding. Ding. In one corner is the superintendent wearing the green “Student” shirt and in the other corner is the entire system, wearing red, gloves up -ready for a fight. You are all alone in your corner. There’s always someone waiting to jump in the ring to be your opponent, except you must remain. It should be simple, right? Who doesn’t want to put students first? You’ll see the competing interests after reading Dancing on the Skillet. Dr. Jennings provides a deep dive into the inner workings and the challenges of being a school superintendent in the 21st Century, in an honest manner, unlike anything I have read before.
— Nancy Gartenberg, former superintendent of Montgomery Township Public Schools
As someone who has spent significant time in the chief school administrators seat, Dr. Jennings has provided an eyes wide open look at the immense challenges of being a school superintendent in the age of increased accountability, social media, and capped budgets. But with all of the pitfalls and struggles of the position, he makes clear the message: If you persevere, you can and will make a meaningful difference as a school leader.
— Brian Heineman, assistant superintendent of schools, Cranford Township