Introduction: In the Field at Home
Loukia K. Sarroub and Claire Nicholas
Chapter 1: Fieldworking at Home: Exploring the Experiences and Strategies of Student Nurses and Veterinary Students
Vibeke Røn Noer and Camilla Kirketerp Nielsen
Chapter 2: Identity, Positionality, and Discovery: Researching Race in Local Context
Phillip Ryan and Mary Anne Poe
Chapter 3: Can Basque be Protected in Multi-ethnic Environments? Methodological Dilemmas in Basque School Ethnography
Elizabeth Pérez-Izaguirre
Chapter 4: Navigating Insiderness in a Study of Newcomers’ Construction of Citizen Identities
Tricia Gray
Chapter 5: “You Pulled the Chair from Right Under Me?” How a Black Young Man Disappears from a High School Reading Class
Loukia K. Sarroub
Chapter 6: Gaining Access to Students’ Informal Conversations with Peers: An Explorative Approach on Educational Research and Staging of Recording Devices
Charlotta Rönn
Chapter 7: Home and Away: Crafting an Engaged Ethnography of Textile and Entrepreneurship Training
Claire Nicholas and Surin Kim
Chapter 8: Collaborative Intersectionality in Researcher-Participant Relations at a Hispanic Serving Institution
Jen Stacy
Chapter 9: Being a Researcher-Teacher in an Action-Oriented School Research Project on Welding: Perspectives, Positions, and Ethical Dilemmas
Stig-Börje Asplund, Nina Kilbrink, and Jan Axelsson
Chapter 10: Teachers as Ethnographers in Schools: Research Dynamics at a Waldorf School in the Philippines
Thijs Jan van Schie
Chapter 11: The Familiar and the Foreign: The Schooling of System-Involved Youth
Sarah Staples-Farmer
Loukia K. Sarroub
Author Biographies