Rowman & Littlefield Publishers / Association of School Business Officials post copub titles
Pages: 186
Trim: 6¼ x 9
978-1-4758-5668-2 • Hardback • July 2020 • $78.00 • (£60.00)
978-1-4758-5669-9 • Paperback • July 2020 • $39.00 • (£30.00)
978-1-4758-5670-5 • eBook • July 2020 • $37.00 • (£30.00)
Dr. Clinton Born is an educational practitioner with a distinguished thirty-year career in public schools and has taught aspiring school administrators and business officials for years in the Graduate Education Program at Franciscan University of Steubenville. As a Superintendent of Schools, Dr. Born led a district from a major financial crisis to fiscal stability, guided the district’s health insurance program from a million dollars in debt to a substantial positive fund balance, and directed numerous facility renovations.
Table of Contents
Chapter 1. Procurement
Purchasing Procedures
Cost-efficient Procurement Practices
Price Quotations and Competitive Bids
Procurement at Nonpublic and Public Charter Schools
Nonpublic Schools
Public Charter Schools
Chapter 2. Employee Benefits and Risk Management
Employee Benefits
Paid Leaves
Group Medical Insurance
Group Dental Insurance
Group Vision Insurance
Group Life and Disability Insurance
Pension Assurance
Professional Liability Insurance
Unemployment Insurance
Workers’ Compensation Insurance
Risk Management
Property Insurance
General Liability Insurance
Fleet Insurance
Chapter 3. Funding Capital Investments
Capital Finance Options
Capital Funding for Nonpublic and Public Charter Schools
Nonpublic Schools
Public Charter Schools
Chapter 4. School Finance Challenges
American Tax System
Budget Cuts
Escalating Costs
Unfunded and Underfunded Mandates
Equitable and Adequate Funding
Funding Challenges for Nonpublic and Public Charter Schools
Nonpublic Schools
Public Charter Schools
About the Author
Reducing School Expenses is an interesting look into strategies to reduce expenses common to all school districts. Clinton Born lists practical considerations that are proven to work well in this context. Born delves deeply into employee benefits and risk management, capital investment and what he sees as school finance challenges. He also shows how “a fiscally responsible school district should have management processes in place to purchase resources from the right source, for the right quantity, with the right quality and at the right price.” Born’s suggestions are based on his 30 years of experience in public schools as well as his stewardship bringing a school district he inherited back from financial ruin. For new superintendents, Reducing School Expenses is a clearinghouse of information on school finance for what to do when you acquire your first district. For the experienced superintendent, it will supply ideas to take your finance game to the next level. For superintendents who cross state lines in their career, this book will help them know what questions they should ask their new fiscal team.
— School Administrator
I have known Dr. Clinton Born for many years and have taken numerous classes under him. His information has always proven to be highly accurate, up to date, and on the pulse of what is currently happening in education. Dr. Born’s book, Reducing School Expenses: Containing Insurance Costs, Funding Capital, and Tackling the Challenges,does an outstanding job of explaining the details of district-level finances. I believe this text will prove invaluable to central office administrators just starting their career and will be a useful resource for the experienced administrator. The state-by-state comparisons in tables are eye opening and are information I plan to use in conversations with my legislator while lobbying for improvements to our state’s funding model. The superintendent, chief financial officer, and school board members have a legal and moral obligation to be good stewards of the monies entrusted to them; this text is a ‘must have’ edition for every administrator’s bookshelf.— John L. Belt, assistant superintendent, Indian Creek Local School District, Wintersville, Ohio
This book confronts the risks and addresses the potential challenges that Superintendents, CFOs, and Human Resources Directors face as stewards of school district’s financial resources. If you need practical advice on how to handle your school district’s finances, look no further. Like every social, political and economic policy in our country, health insurance is complicated. Chapter 2 is a master class in employee benefits and risk management. Further, Dr. Born’s clear and concise definitions of terms throughout the book simplify complex concepts for the reader leading to a greater understanding that will help them make better decisions. Reducing School Expenses: Containing Insurance Costs, Funding Capital, and Tackling the Challenges is not only a timely book, it’s essential reading for every Superintendents, CFOs and Human Resources Director in the field of education. This thoughtfully organized and theoretically sound book will empower educational leaders with the tools they need to navigate the world of school finance.— Leslie Scott, Human Resources director for SKC, Inc., former HR director for Pressley Ridge and Propel Schools, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Dr. Born’s book, Reducing Expenses: Containing Insurance Costs, Funding Capital, and Tackling the Challenges, provides a comprehensive look into school finance issues from a national lens and is conducive to practical application. Current and aspiring administrators, both building and district level, will find the content useful for future planning and more routine practices or daily reference. His Chapter 2 work on employee benefits and risk management is critically important, but a topic that is often overlooked. The projects in each chapter offer the reader an opportunity to extend topic understanding and application. The reference section is especially thorough, permitting the inspired reader a springboard for additional investigation.— Mark Furda, director of Graduate Education, Franciscan University of Steubenville, Steubenville, Ohio
The intensive and in-depth research in this book is a unique and fantastic analysis of school finance. The realistic and practical approach is refreshing and is a true-to-life snapshot of how all facets of school finance affect daily operations. In particular, I found the “outside the box” thinking surrounding health insurance compelling. It is clear that Dr. Born’s experience and research have created a “must have” resource for any school leader.— Richard A. Hall Ph. D., superintendent, Mid-East Career and Technology Centers, Zanesville, Ohio
Dr. Born’s Reducing Expenses: Containing Insurance Costs, Funding Capital, and Tackling the Challenges is a comprehensive look at the major financial issues facing school administrators. His years of experience and study provide guidance on a wide variety of areas. Most notable are the links to individual state policies, which make this guide applicable to school leaders across the nation. As an administrator of a nonpublic school, I especially appreciated his coverage of issues that affect nonpublic and public charters, which makes this text unique.— Theresa Danaher, principal, Bishop Mussio Schools, Steubenville, Ohio