Chapter 1: So, You Want to Teach in a High Needs School? Family, Friends, and the Media
Chapter 2: The Impact of Accountability Systems on Teachers and School Culture
Chapter 3: Students: The Impact of Social-Emotional Struggles, Trauma, and Learning
Difficulties on Classroom Behavior
Chapter 4: What Ails the Children?
Chapter 5: Cognitive Complexity and the Need for Competence
Section Two: Teacher Health and Well-Being
Chapter 6: How Under-Resourced Schools Thwart Teachers' Basic Human Needs
Chapter 7: Emotions and Cognitive Dissonance: The Psychological Pain of Teaching
Chapter 8: Colleagues and the Need for Relatedness in Schools
Chapter 9: Teachers of Color and White Teachers' Experiences in Schools: Different Causes,
Similar Pain
Section Three: Reforming Urban Schools for Teacher and Student Well-Being
Chapter 10: Teacher Preparation: What Education Can Learn from the Field of Nursing
Chapter 11: School Culture and Environment: What Education can Learn from the Field of
Chapter 12: Nurses, Teachers, and Clinical Microsystems